Where Have I Been?

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Hiya, everyone... for those who are still here, you all are probably wondering where I've been. Let me explain from the beginning.

Mentally I was not in the right place even before 2020 became a crapshoot. I was depressed,  lost interest in a lot of things, and over all lost faith in myself.

When Covid-19 became a serious thing, myself and my family were threatened by the possibility of being stuck within the Dominican. We kept our heads up and eventually the Gods brought us home alright, and not within boundaries of quarentine.

School shut down and I was stuck doing homework from home, becoming overwhelmed and anxious. I had many mental breakdowns, sensory overloads, and panic attacks during the span of those 6 months and it didn't get better from there.

We also found out that my sisters fiancé has stage 4 colon cancer and must undergo Chemotherapy. We were all in a rough place and none of us slept much the few weeks after that. I struggled to focus with school, fell behind and it took a deperate boost at the end of the year that ended up saving me.

In June, I lost an aunt of mine to illness and it was sudden, none of us being able to prepare for what was happening. My uncle, her son, became depressed and did his best to give her what she deserved. I never even got to say goodbye, and she'd never see another family Christmas again.

First weekend of July was rough. My rescue dog, Rocky, who was reaching the age of 14, suddenly became almost like he was intoxicated. Thinking he had a siezure, which was common with him, we let him be for the night and hoped in the morning he would be better. He didn't get better, he got worse. My parents scheduled a vet appointment and it was discovered he had kidney failure, mouth cancer and masses all within his colon area. He showed no signs of being ill before that day, and even then the signs he gave were those of a siezure or stroke. We chose to put him down, and the next few weeks after that were the hardest I have ever gone through.

However, through all of this I found my love in writing again. I began picking up old books I had abandoned and made them better, finishing a few and coming up with more ideas. Ideas that I'm hoping I eventually get to show all of you. If this message gets to no one I'll still be happy, because I wish everyone to know that I have returned, and I'm planning on staying for good.

Now, for the next question: what comes next?

I had two books that I was writing that I fell null in void with, but that doesn't mean they aren't out of the question. I am taking them down for some serious redoing and in the meantime I will be posting a new book serious about the Mindcracker's called The Lost Squadron. I do not have a book cover nor can I reveal any secrets about it yet, but there is something on the way, I promise.

The first book will be a little choppy, because I wrote it a few years ago and am not bothering in rewriting it. So stay tuned for what's coming up, because oh boy do I have some things stored for the future!

It does feel good to be back!

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