Chapter 2 - Date

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The phone was ringing loudly. Akutagawa, for now just reading a book, picked it up quickly and answered it.  He smiled at the voice he heard on the other side.

- Hey babe, what do you think about
a date?

- I think it's a really good idea hun! When and where though?

- I found a really nice cat cafe a bit ago at the Countrylake street, how about that?

- I'd love that! Today at 6 pm?

- Yeah, it fits me! See ya there!

- Bye hun!

It was still 2 pm so all Akutagawa did was set up an alarm for 4:20 and went back to his book.

When the alarm rang the black-haired man got up from the couch, stretched and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror to find himself as messy as he could be. Hair looked like he just got out of the centrer of a cyclone; in the morning he didn't really care about his fit because of the lack of plans but nie he thought that an old long-sleeve with holes in it almost everywhere was not the best choince for a date.

He decided he will just take a shower. After that he took a hairdrier along with a hairbrush to blowdry and then brush and comb his hair.

For clothes he chose a pair of black baggy jeans with holes and and a chain attached to the side of them, a black T-shirt with a golden Gothic print saying "Black isn't sad, it's poetic" and as a jacket he chose a black and red pattern shirt.

Akutagawa looked at himself in the mirror and then looked at the time.


He ran out of his house in hurry and towards the train station.

~~at the cat cafe~~

As Akutagawa reached his destination he looked around to see his boyfriend in the distance looking at his phone. He looked beautiful in a baby blue hoodie tucked in white sweatpants and a black choker. When Akutagawa saw Atsushi like that he blushed deep red and his mind blue-screened.

- Oh! Akutagawa! - the weretiger ran over to his flustered boyfriend and snepped him out od his gay panic.

- H-hi hun...

- Something happened? - Atsushi made a concerned face that made his boyfriends brain lag again.

- Y-you just look s-so fuckin cute and h-hot...

This time Atsushi was the one to blush. They were just standing there for like a minute calming down until they were able to talk normalny again.

They walked into the cafe holding hands. A waiter imidietly walked over to them handing them the menus. Everything in there was cutely named and had some drawings of cats or balls of string, all in pastel colors. After a while the waiter came back and took their order.

- I think I'll take a Catpuccino and a muffin with a paw.

- And I will take a Caramel Meowchiatto with a catnip mint cake.

- Oh and please make the coffe take-out - Atsushi smiled at the waiter. Suddenly he felt something soft and warm caressing his leg. He looked over to see a white, blue-eyed cat. He started to pet it, recieveng purrs od satisfaction in return and soon enough, to the boys shock, it jumped onto his lap.

With the fact that the tables in this cafe were small and short, Akutagawa saw this scene and was absolutely charmed by it. And that his boyfriend talked to the cat with this high-pitched little voice - absolutely charming. So to treasure this moment Akutagawa just took out his phone and took some photos.

After some time they got their orders, ate the cake and the muffin and walked out, holding hands and their cups of coffe. They sat on a bench and started talking. As they were having their small talk a woman suddenly stopped at their sight with her eyes widened on what seemed to be Anger and disgust.

- Excuse me boys, are you holding hands?! - she yelled pointing at their intertwined fingers.

- Uh, yeah, what about it? - Akutagawa felt like he knew what was about to happen.

- Well that's wrong! Boys shouldn't like boys! Go to your parents and make them teach you how to be normal! - at that Atsushi felt a sting of pain in his heart, but his boyfriend thingtened the grup on his hand.

- First of all, we are adults. Second of all, we're both orphans. And third of all, learn some respect old lady. Where did you even learn that "gays are bad"?

- It says so in the bible!

- Oh yeah? Doesn't it also say to love everyone? Oh, and if Saint Mary was a virgin, the how was she pregnant and give birth huh? We all know it's impossible.

- W-well...

- That's right. Bible is full of lies and weird things. Now scram! - the Karen just scoffed and angrily walked away. Akutagawa turned to his boyfriend.

- Are you alright hun?

- Y-yeah, thanks... - Atsushi hugged the black-haired man.



Sorry that this chapter was a bit late. I just have this thing that with some chapters they are almost done in my notes on my phone, some are half done, and some (just like this one) I have small ideas for throughout the book. Next one is almost done, so I will post it very soon. Have a great day/night!


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