Chapter 12 - Soft

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Atsushi was planning a date.

Easy, right?

Well, not if overthinking takes it's lead and tried to ruin it all.

For now every date that he was on with Dazai was planned by the brunette, going on picnics, to parks and cafés and once even to a ferris wheel. But if it came to Atsushi, he had his mind empty. He wanted to do something special, yet nothing came to his mind. So, after some time of trying to come up with something, he reached out for help to his best firend.

- Ranpoooo, help!

- What happened now, Atsushi? - the detective said on the other side of the phone.

- I want to plan a date but I don't know where...! - the weretiger let out a squeak as he was fake crying.

- Alright calm down, let me think about this. It's with Dazai, right? - Ranpo obviously knew this thatnks to his super deduction.

- Yeah...

- So maybe, I dunno, like Netflix and chill or something? You know what I mean, cozy blankets, pillows, loads of snacks and of course Netflix.

- Hm, that sounds good! Thanks Ranpo!

- No problemo bestie - and with that Atsushi hung up. Next he clicked the little Messanger icon on his phone and then his boyfriends name in it.

Atsu bb❤️: Hey babe, r u free today like 5 pm?

Dazai❤️: ya sure, why?

Atsu bb❤️: Can u come over, I wanna have a Netflix and chill date

Dazai❤️: oh sure, I'll be there

Atsu bb❤️: ily💞

Dazai❤️: ilyt 💞

With that, Atsushi put his phone down. He had some time to get ready for the date since it was only 2 am, so he decided that he won't really do anything, he just turned his computer on and player some Osu!.

~~ date time (haha time skips go brr)~~

Atsushi was currently sitting on his bed, trying to pick a movie as his boyfriend was snuggling his head into his arm, hugging him tightly and trying to help the indecisive weretiger.

- How about that one? It looks cool! - Dazai said with sprakles in his eyes.

- Dazai it's the fifth time you pointed at UP.

- Why can't we watch it then? - the brunette looked at the other with puppy eyes.

- It's a childs movie! - Atsushi rubbed his temples and went back to scrolling. - What about that one? - he pointed at what obviously was a cheesy romantic movie.

- Ouuu, I didn't know Atsushi-kun was so romantic~ - Dazai teased making the other blush and sigh.

- Do you want me to play it or not?

- Yes babe - Dazai pecked his boyfriends cheek and grabbed a pack of Doritos.

~~ another time skip to like an hour later ~~

They were watching peacefully with Dazai only sometimes interrupting by some cheesy romantic texts or small laughs at the ridicioulosity of the film. But then suddenly the scenes got a bit more heated and the two main characters started to aggresively make out.

- You know, we could also do that - Dazai leaned in so he was whispering in his lovers ear. - A-tsu-shi-kun~



I'm sorry I didn't update do long, writers block got me and my dad strated to take my phone away for the night (not today tho haha 😈). But here ya'll go. My first ever cliffhanger to torture you with. Can't wait for the next chapter 😏

Have a great day/night!


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