Chapter 4 - Party

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  - Hey guys, I'm throwing a party, wanna come? - Yosano said walking into the agency. It's been almost two weeks since Atsushi found out that he got cheated on. He was recovering from it mentally quite well, even though he still looked kinda sad on daily basis.

- Sure! - replied the weretiger. He didn't have any plans for the night so it wouldn't hurt right?

- Heck yeah! - Ranpo quickly answered.

- Sure! - Dazai smiled.

- I guess I can possibly change my plans to have some fun... - everyone looked at Kunikida in suprise. - What? I'm a human too.

The others quickly agreed to their presence there.

- So it's set! The party starts at 9 at the Pandora club, I'll send you the location later. And yes, I booked a whole-ass club for this party. It isn't big but it doesn't stop us from having some fun!!!

~~the Pandora club, 9:15~~

- I see everyone is here! - Yosano said with a big smile on her face. - Barman! Give us shots, one for everyone minus Kyoka!

- A-actually I don't want to drink...

- Shut up Atsushi your gonna love it! - The tall woman said handing him the glass.

- Kunikida help - the young man said only to see the one he was calling out for already slowly drinking his vodka.

- Actually, it isn't everyone - the others looked at Dazai. - I invited my old friend and his friend too so yeah.

- That's great!!! The more people the better the party!!!

That's when the door opened to a sight of a short ginger-haired man and a bit taller one in a black coat.

- ChuUuyAah!!! - the suicide-addicted man instantly got up to greet the short one.

- Stupid Dazai...

Another person also stood up at the sight of the other guest.


- Atsushi? - when they saw who the other person was everyone gone silent and now only the quiet music from the bar counter was heard.

- Listen I-

- I don't need to listen to any of your lies you betraying motherfucker. I want to spend this night having fun do don't you DARE try to talk to me. - the other man just quietly nodded and went to sit down.

- A-anyways, you guys want some drinks too?

Soon enough the atmosphere got less stressful. Everyone was just chatting, it seemed a bit more like a hang-out then a party. Then the music started to play and everyone was showing off their moves on a little stage that was in the corner.

(Pretend other PM members aren't on the vid lol)

Everybody was just living their life, having fun, Atsushi even got convinced to try vodka. But in the same time there was still that unspoken war between Atsushi and Akutagawa. Yosano noticed it of course and as the host of this party she came up with an idea.

- Guys! I have news! We can have karaoke!!! - everyone started cheering, the little alcohol they drank was kicking in. - Atsushi! - she pointed at the shocked boy. - I heard you sing before, c'mon, sing something for us!

He got onto the stage, firstly telling the barman who also was directing the music what song to put up. He stood next to Yosano, grabbed the mic from her hand as she was walking off and sighed.

- This song is for someone in this room that made me feel bad...

A broken heart is all that's left...
I'm still fixing all the cracks..
Lost a couple od pieces when
I carried it, carried it, carried it home.

I'm afraid of all I am
My mind feels like a foregin land
Silence ringing inside my head
Please carry me, carry me, carry me home...

He took a deep breath and sang in the perfect pitch.

All i know
All i know~
Loving you is a losing game...

Everyone stared at him in amazement and disbelief. Nobody even thought that be could song so beautifully. But the one on the stage just carried on.

Just like a penny in the slot
Giving us up didn't take a lot...
I saw the end 'fore it begun~
Still I carried, I carried I carry on

Atsushi looked at the black-haired man that broke his heart.

All I know
All I know~
Loving you is a losing game

All I know
All I know~
Loving you is a losing game...

Suddenly his expression turned cold as he pointed at his ex lover.

I don't need your games game's over
Get me off this rollercoaster~

He put his hand down and looked away from Akutagawa closing his eyes.


Everyone could hear the pure, overwhelming sadness that went into that yell. Tears started to form in the singers eyes as he sang the last verses.

All I know
All I know~
Loving you is a losing game!

All I know
All I know~
Loving you is a losing game...

He collapsed on the wooden floors of the stage crying. Dazai and Ranpo imidietly ran up to him and supportem him up and to the bathroom away from anybody elses sight (our number 1 Atsu supporters 😌).

When they calmed him down a little they just got back to see that now everyone was silently killing Akutagawa with their sour looks. When they saw that Atsushi was better they brightened up a little.

The test of the night went silly with firstly Akutagawa leaving because of the tension and looks, secondly Chuuya getting really drunk to the point that he almost pole dance and lastly with Atsushi getting hung over with just three shots and one Mojito.



Thank you for almost 100 reads! I really appretiate it with my whole heart.

Special thanks to 0oumakun for leaving a star on every single chapter and to Wolfydarkada for following me!

The next chapters will be written kinda slowly (complete lack of bigger ideas) but I hope it won't be too long. And posting this at 1 am cuz I can. Have a great day/night!


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