Chapter 15 - Will you...?

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- Atsushi-chan~! - Dazai said, leaning on his lovers shoulder from behind. They were just finishing work for the day and as it was Friday the people in the office weren't really into working anymore.

- What is it hun? - Atsushi looked away from his computer and looked at the brunette.

- Can we go somewhere tommorow? You know, like a sweet date - Dazai asked and Atsushi smiled.

- Of course! Where and when?

- How about the Cherry alley at 2pm?

- All right love - he smiled.

- Oi lovebirds! Get back to work!!

- Hai hai Kunikida - kun! - with that Dazai walked away.

~~ timeskip ~~

The Cherry alley was beautiful. It was the beggining of summer and the trees were full of pink flowers. The alley itself was soft with pink petals covering it fully. It was an obvious but still beautiful place for a date.

- Woah... - Atsushi stared at the beauty of the place, admiring it with every part of his mind. - It's so beautiful...

Dazai giggled.

- Not as beautiful as you, my love~ - he teased, earning incoherent stuttering from the now blushing younger boy. He giggled even more at that. - I'm serious! Your Gray hair beautifully match your purple and yellow eyes, the way you smile so brightly makes everyone happy... You are really a sunshine in not only mine, but also everybody else life. You made me try to get better with my unhealthy suicide obsession, you showed me live when others didn't.

Atsushi was looking at him with eyes wide open, the sun reflecting in them, making them shine.

- T-thank you for the compliments, I-I really appretiate it... You're also not bad yourself, your chocolate eyes make me really mesmerized when I look into them. And you also helped me, you saves my life at least three times, counting the missions from the Agency and the "thing" in November. I really owe you my life, don't I?

Dazai smiled.

- For that exact reason, can I Hebe the rest of your life?

Atsushi looked at him suprised.

- What?

Dazai kneeled down.

- Atsushi Nakajima - he pulled out a small box with a silver ring with a purple gemstone in the middle, surrounded by small brown ones and floral silver ornaments. - Will you marry me?

- Yes, yes, yes and once again YES!!!! - Atsushi hugged the brunette closely, tears of joy flowing down his face. He was more then happy to know, that he will be able to spend the rest of his days with the man he loved so much. They both stayed hugging eachother for a few minutes, then got up and Dazai finally put the ring on Atsushis finger. The weretiger looked closely at the ring, admiring the way it was shining in the sun. He noticed the small brown gems, that were shimmering with a hazel, sand-like color.

- What are those gemstones? - Atsushi asked, pointing at the minerals surrounding the, what he assumed to be, an amethyst.

- They are called the tiger's eye - Dazai explained, smiling. - I think it's obvious why I chose it - they both laughed.

~~ monday, at the Agency ~~

- Oh, Atsushi, nice ring you got there - Yosano commented when she passed by the weretiger at work.

- Oh, thanks, it's from Dazai - he smiled.

- Does it mean anything between you two? Or is it just a gift? - Kyouka got interested really quickly.

- Umm, actually - he looked towards Dazai, who just have him a nod. - Everybody, me and Dazai are engaged.

A few people gasped.

- Called it - Ranpo said.

- WHEN IS THE WEDDING?! - Yosano yelled.

- Please be more quiet - Kunikida commented. - But exactly, when?

- We don't know yet, probably in the summer - Atsushi answered.

- Congratulations either way, now get back to work.




At least there you have it, a long, beautiful chapter.

Have a great/day night!


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