Chapter 11 - Dazai...

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Atsushi had a problem.

A big problem to say the least.

The problem was tall, had brown hair, was a suicidal maniac, was his co-worker and mentor and his name was Dazai. You might ask: why is he a problem?

The problem is that Atsushi had a crush on Dazai.

After the heartbreak that Akutagawa have him and the attempt, Atsushi really started to think about Dazai when they were hanging out. The more he thought the more he realized that he hed slowly fallen for the brunette.

This created the mentioned problem, actually two of those.

One: Dazai was always around, giving the weretiger butterflies in his stomach whenever he smirked looking at Atsushi or touched him even accidentally.

Two: the fact that Atsushi didn't even know if the brunette swinged towards men; when they met, he stated clearly he didn't have interest in men; he flirted with women leaving Atsushi blushing and flustered like a stereotypical highschool girl at her crush.

Those two problems were making Atsushi go crazy, but he didn't want to give in and fall apart under the weight of them. He decided to do a brave thing. He decided to tell Dazai his feelings.

They met up at 4 pm in a tea shop not far from the Agency. As soon as they sat down a waiter came over and gave them the tea they ordered earlier: Atsushi a Lavender with a bit of mint and Dazai an Earl Grey with orange. They started to slowly drink their tea while chatting, laughing, overall just enjoying eachothers company.

After like half an hour Atsushi finally felt brave enough to spill his heart out for the other man.

- Dazai, I-I have something to say... - his face turned slightly red.

- Actually, I also have something important to say.

- You go first.

- I like you Atsushi - this completly caught the weretiger off guard. His face turned red like a tomato and he started to stutter while Dazai just watched, he himself also a bit flushed but his face painter with an Innocenty grin. - So... Will you be my boyfriend?

- I-I... Uhh.. What? Yes! Yes yes yes yes! I'd love to! I actually wanted to ask you the same thing! - Dazais smile grew even wider. Atsushi calmed down and smiled back.

- I love you Atsushi~

- I love you too Dazai...



Here you go yall, finally they confessed. Now here is a serious question:

Do yall want some smut 😏?

I don't guarantee it would be good, but I shall provide if wanted. Please answer in the comments, I won't write it without any feedback. And tell me if you want it to be next chapter already or if you want to see some coupe development first.


Have a great day/night!


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