Death to all of them.

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On the last chapter of "This shit right here is for life..."

Toni's POV

"Let's go." I said upset and in a cold tone. They boys didn't even question it and we all hopped on our bikes on our way to the other side of town to get my girl back.

⚠️TW~Mentions of SA⚠️

Still Toni's POV
We pulled up to the Ghoulies tavern and wasted no time walking right in. Immediately all eyes were on us but I didn't mind and this isn't my first time here so I walked directly into the back where I know his office was. Before I could reach the door 2 tall muscular guys opened it and walked out looking at us weirdly. After they got out of the way my eyes landed on the one and only Malachai.

I walked into his office and slammed the door shut and locked it. Fangs and Sweets quickly ran to his side to keep him from moving or trying something slick. "Where is Cheryl" I ask lowly but in a very serious tone. "I have no idea who you're talking about" he chuckles while looking directly at me. I asked him again "Where is Cheryl?" This time I move a lot closer so our faces are just mere inches apart. He looks at me and smiles, "Oh are you talking about that pretty little redhead?" My blood starts to boil and with one hand signal Sweets stabbed him in his leg and twisted it.

"AHHH SHIT!" He screams. "Where. The. Fuck. Is.
Cheryl." I asked once again but this time I'm holding his face with once hand while hitting his nose with my gun in the other. "OKAY OKAY, I'LL TELL YOU" he says with blood all over his face and teeth. "We were hired by some guy, it's clear he'd been tracking her movements from the pictures and videos he'd shown us. All he asked us to do is kidnap her, beat her up, record and send the video to her phone then kill her-" I stopped him right there with a punch to his face. "She better not be dead or I swear to god your pregnant little girlfriend that you've been hiding won't live to see another day." I said harshly.

"She's not dead I swear" he said on the verge of tears. "Please leave my girl out of it" he pleaded. "Where is she I'm losing my patience." I said rolling up my sleeves and putting on my brass knuckles. "The guy took her about an hour before you guys came. He dropped the money off then left" he replied frantically. "He? Who's he?" I question. "Uh Nick St. Clair was his name." My fist balled up fairly quickly but I calmed myself down before it could get worse. "Location." I said looking directly in Malachi's eyes. "North side, it's a one of those big mansions with his last name on it." I nod.

I grabbed my stuff quickly while telling Pea and Fangs to meet me there. I pretty much ran out of there as fast as I could to hop on my bike. I sped all through the North side occasionally looking at the gates to see his name. It was pitch black outside with the dim light of street lamps and the headlight of my bike but I was determined to get my Cher back.

After a few more houses one street lamp directly lit up a gate with "St. Clair" and drifted my bike into his driveway and hopped off. I grabbed my bag that contained all my weapons and checked to see if I had them all and if I had enough. There's this one big tree that overlooks the left side of the house so I decided to climb it. I could just burst through the door but I'm not that dumb so I quietly opened the window and climbed in. As soon as I landed on the ground I could tell it was a lot of men in the house, kind of like a party. "Shit I need to improvise"

I dropped bag of weapons and unbuttoned a few of the top buttons to reveal some cleavage then rolled up my shirt to show a little more  skin then let my hair down so now I look a lot more feminine and can blend in. I took some of the weapons out and hid them within my clothing. I then check myself in the mirror before walking out the room to be met with a strong smell of sweat, alcohol, cologne, and perfume to also be mixed with humid air. I wanted to throw up on the spot.

"I need to focus" I quickly told myself before scanning my surroundings. What took me out of my thoughts was when I felt a pair of hands go around my waist. I turned around quickly to be met with some random frat boy. "Hey what is your fine ass doing up here hm?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. "I um got lost looking for a bathroom" I told him. He scanned over my body and I saw his whole demeanor change. "Why didn't you ask someone before?" He says. "I did but the person I asked was pretty drunk so his directions were pretty jumbled up" I laugh a little trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah I get what you're saying, the bathroom is upstairs to your right, be careful it's a lot stuff going on up there and I would hate for you to be the girl that gets caught up in it." I nod and make my
way up the stairs.

"Well that was weird..." I tell myself while scratching my head

I made it all the way upstairs and I decided to investigate what he meant. Eventually after walking around and checking and listening to each door I come to one door where I hear a voice that sounds like Cher saying "NICK PLEASE, S-STOP" so I move closer and hear the bed rocking violently. I quietly opened the door and saw Nick on top of Cheryl obviously fucking her while he's smiling and she's crying in obvious pain. I don't think I even understand the amount of pain going through my chest at this

"You've got to be kidding me." I said sternly making them both stop and look at me. "TT It's n-not what it l-looks l-like" Cher rushes out with panic written all over her tear stained face. "I know..." I say looking directly at her with nothing but sincerity in my eyes to let her know I truly believe her. "Who the fuck are yo-" before Nick could finish I shot him point blank in the head and watches his body drop to the other side of Cheryl.

"Get dressed" I told her before I was pulled back by some strong dude trying to take me out so I fight back and shoot him twice. More guys start running up the stairs and make sure Cher is all dressed before I scoop her up and make a run for it. We made it to the room where I first climbed through the window at. "Hold on tight" I say looking at her I quickly jumped down the tree to be met with the harsh ground. "At least I broke Chers fall" I say in my head. "Cher are you okay?" I ask. "Yes TT are you?" She looks up at me waiting for my answer "Yes I'm fine don't worry" I reply with a slight smile.

All of a sudden some of the guys started firing shots out the window which frightened both of us but Cheryl more so I scooped her up again and tried to run as fast as I possibly could. "Fuck" I don't say out out loud as I felt an intense amount of pain in my ankle. I can't stop running though I have to make sure Cheryl's safe. I made it to the gate where Fangs and Sweetpea was and it was obvious they took down some guards to but once they spotted us they immediately ran to us and made sure both of us made it to my bike while occasionally they fire shots at the guards.

"Tiny can you ride at all" Sweets asks seeing how much pain I was in. I need to be or at least seem strong enough so Cheryl feels safe with me so I replied "Yeah I'm fine, I'll be at the house, come check on me later yeah?" "You know it Tiny" Sweetpea replied clearly not entirely believing me but he didn't wanna push it. I give them both a nod to which they return and I pull off but not without telling Cher to "Hold on tight."


Heyyyyy y'all so I'm back or whatever🙃

I hope y'all missed me and I'm sorry for waiting 2 months to release this😬

Another chapter should be released really soon I'm just making a few touch ups and yeah😌

See y'all sooooonnnnn🥰🤣
(Published Dec 23, 2021 @14:34)

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