"Who tf is Auriel?"

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Previously on "This shit right here is for life"...

Toni POV
As much as I'd hate to admit it Fangs is right, although it may take her time to adjust she did go through all this trouble just to find me again and I shouldn't let her slip through my fingers like that. "Well that's not really what I meant but yeah what Fangs said" Sweets said with a slight laugh which drew me out of my thoughts. "You guys are right, let me know when things are completed, I'm going back home to my girl" I told them with a wink to which they replied with whistles and "whoop whoop" and "go Tinyyyy". I hop on my motorcycle dying laughing before speeding off back to my place...


Toni's POV

I unlock the door to my house smiling really hard because I can't wait to see Cheryl but instead I walk in to see Nova and Kiara. My smile dropped so fast and then the rage I can't explain came coursing through my veins and my fist balled up. "Wtf is y'all doing here?!" I said with my voice raised 3 times above my normal tone looking directly at the 2. They turned their backs to me and then froze. "I know you bitches hear me talking to y'all." I say again louder. Nova turns around really slowly and begins to speak before Kiara turns around and says "I know you ain't just call us no bitches." "I did and what?" I reply tilting my head. She looks down at my balled up fists and gulps. Nova also looks down then frantically says "W-we didn't h-have a-a way t-to get h-home T-Toni."

Now they're tryna play me. "You could've called and Uber or your friends. Stop playing with me!" I say stepping closer. Then I remembered where's Cher? I ran upstairs while calling out "Cheryl!" I got no response so I checked every room and bathroom upstairs until I concluded they were all empty so I ran back downstairs and checked all those rooms and bathrooms which she wasn't there and then when I was about to walk into the basement which is also my "man cave" Kiara called my name. "Toni!" "What do you want?!" "That Cheryl girl is gone!" "Bitch you better be joking!" I say finding my way back to where they were. Nova goes from hiding behind Kiara to the living room to obviously gather her things knowing where this is about to go.

I walked to Kiara got real close. "What do you mean she's gone Kiara?" I question in a low obviously pissed tone. You can see the fear in her eyes before she opens her mouth to speak. "S-she uh came downstairs and said that we were your sisters so I corrected h-her and s-said we were your g-girlfriends and she didn't like it and she uh left..." she said shakily. Before I could reply she followed up with "S-she also said to tell y-you that she said t-thank yo-" I cut her off by slapping her. Hard. "Kiara I gave you and Nova one simple fucking task and that was to get the FUCK out of my house before she woke up and this would've been prevented!" I yelled in her face. "Why would you tell her y'all were my girlfriends?!" I said giving her another harsh slap on the same cheek but she fell down this time.

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes holding the side of her face I hit. I grabbed her up by her shirt and threw her across the room. "Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house Kiara" I said in the calmest tone possible. Not even wanting to hear an explanation. She darted to get her things and once she did, grabbed Nova and practically dragged her out the house. I pulled out my phone and called Betty. "Betty call Veronica and ask her if she's with Cheryl and get back to me okay?" "Yeah sure no problem Toni" she replied. "Thanks" I told her before hanging up. I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower and hoped and prayed that Cher was with Veronica or at least somewhere safe.

Cheryl's POV
It's been some time since I got back to my campus dorm. Veronica had classes all day so she wouldn't be back until late tonight. I walked to a nearby Apple store and got the latest iPhone because why not? As I walked in a girl came straight to me. Her name tag read "Auriel" . Cute I thought. "Hey how can I assist you today?" She asked with a bright smile. My eyes traveled from her shoes all the way up until mines met hers. Not gonna lie I was checking her out and she was hot. She was taller than me, wore all white Air forces which had zero creases in them, ripped jeans, and a black polo shirt with the Apple logo on it and her name tag. She had nice smooth brown skin with long curly ginger blond-ish hair, and cute hazel eyes with a hint blue in them. "This girl is gorgeous" is what came to mind when I seen her...

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