The Earthquake

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After a few minutes of walking, they arrived...

Whitty: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "The Everything Mall"!!

Ruv: Why is it called "The Everything Mall" exactly?

Whitty: Because it was everything in this mall. From the clothes to the food center.

Ruv: Nice. But I'm not eating anything in here.

Whitty: Why not?

Ruv: What if it has poison in it?

Whitty: What? Ruv, there's no poison in here... Or at least I think there is no poison.

???: Hey, guys!! What's up?

Whitty: Carol!! (picks up Carol and hugs her)

Carol: Hehe, nice to see you too, sweetie.

Whitty: Guys, I present to you, my girlfriend, Carol.

Carol: What's up people! Hey Whitty!

Whitty: (picks up Carol) What's up?

Carol: (whispering) I invited BF and GF if you guys don't mind.

Whitty: Carol... Those were the only people that Tabi or neither one of these guys want to see.

Carol: Oh right... Rap battles. I'm sorry...

Whitty: It's fine by me. The problem is that we have to deal with them later. Especially Tabi.

Carol: Why is that?

Whitty: (whispering) Tabi is GF's ex-boyfriend...

Carol: Ohh... So that's the guy that GF was talking about a few days ago... She said he exploded a whole restaurant!!

Whitty: Yeah... But he's no criminal, I think... He just wanted revenge, for some reason...

Carol: Boys... Are always like that.


Carol: I mean, most of them.


Selever: Uhh... Who the f*ck are we waiting for?

Rasazy: Garcello and Agoti.

Selever:... Who the f*ck are they?

Rasazy: Dad's friends, I think...

Garcello: Hey guys. Sorry if we're late, Agoti was a little bit tired and Annie had to bring him up.

Agoti: Can you please put me down?

Annie: As you wish. (drops Agoti)

Agoti: Uff... Thanks, Annie...

Annie: No problem.

Tabi: Well, I guess that's everyone, right?

Whitty: Oh yeah... Huh, Tabi?

Tabi: What?

Whitty: Carol kinda invited GF too...

Tabi:... SHE WHAT?! Oh, she's dead.

Whitty: (puts his hand in front of Carol) I'm not letting you too.

Tabi: She invited the wrong person, Whitty. I didn't want to see GF since that day, do you think I still want to? She ruined my life, my musical life!!

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