-003 : The first mission

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"Ah, this feels good," Ara says, laying on the fluffy bed in their room. 

"I know right. I'm excited for the missions to start," Dayeon sits on the edge of her bed and swings her legs. 

"You're excited? I'm scared," July stares at her badge. "I'm afraid I won't stay for the second mission itself."

"GUYS GUYS GUYS," Kotone enters their room along with Ichika. 

"We heard they aren't going to eliminate people after the first mission itself!" Ichika says.

"You heard what? Seriously?" Deep, who was wandering outside the room, peeps her head inside. 

"How did you get to know?" July asks.

"I have my own ways," Kotone replies with a grin.

"Why is everyone gathering here? What's the ocassion? I wanna join too!" Butterfly asks, thrilled. 

Before anyone could speak up, the speakers went on, "All 21 girls please report to the main room again. Thank you."  

"What? Already?"

"Come on, we don't wanna be late for our first mission," Ichika is the first one to get out.


"Welcome back! As you already would've guessed, your first mission is going to be with your aenon-mates. Based on the skills and abilities, you guys get to decide which song you want to perform in this mission. You will be judged on the overall performance, your own skills, and your choice in songs. You'll be ranked aenon wise once the performances are over. All the best!" 


For those who aren't familiar with how this works - you'll have to chat and discuss what song you want to do in the comments of this chapter, and then distribute your lines accordingly, and submit a video link (it could be the original performance or a cover). 

I'll see if the concept fits your OCs and rank you. Though you'll be ranked with your groups first, it won't fully predict if you're going to debut or not, so don't worry. 

The deadline to submit the video is 8th November, 3 a.m KST, so please submit it by then! If you don't, your group's gonna be in trouble- 




Aenon 1 : Diana, Davy, Baozhai 

Aenon 2 : Amber, Soyoung, Chaeyoung ✅

Aenon 3 : Ara, July, Dayeon 

Aenon 4 : Kotone, Emersyn, Tanishka 

Aenon 5 : Nene, Sina, Deep 

Aenon 6 : Jenna, Butterfly, Yashiro 

Aenon 7 : Sejin, Ichika, Adeline 

And, of course, a random chat room anyone could chat in -> 

(where you don't have to talk using your OCs, this is mainly to get more friends because who doesn't like making friends amirite :D) 

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