-006 : Next mission already??

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"Pass me the remote, Ara." It was a quite day at Cordelia, but the common room was far from quite. The room filled with the girls' bickering and laughing. 

"I told you I wanted to watch this movie. Shut up now, it's getting interesting."

"But Jake's live-"

"Attention everyone!" 

"What the..."

"They're announcing the next mission already?"

"I hope we get to go somewhere for the next mission. I'm sick of this place already, it gives me bad vibes."

"Why would we go somewhere Ambe-"

"We'll be going outside for a few days!" Sina looks at Amber in disbelief. 

"What the actual fu-"

"Hey, no swearing," July butts in. 

"Just pack whatever you need for 5 days and come to the main room in 30 mins!" Soobin announces. "We have a surprise waiting for you too!"


The girls arrive quickly and occupy their seats.

"It feels empty without 21 seats," Deep slumps against the chair. 

"Imagine how it'll feel with lesser people. I heard 4 people are getting eliminated this time."

"How do you know everything Kotone-?"

"Hang out with me for one day, Davy, and you'll know everything." She says proudly.

"Okay, everyone, listen up."

Their heads turn to the MCs as they cheer loudly.

"I appreciate the love, you guys!" Soobin exclaims while Arin simply laughs.

"Anyway, let's get going?" Arin says. 

"Randomly? Just like that?" Sejin asks. 

"You just get on the vans, and you'll get to know where you're going when we reach."

"I hope we don't go anywhere near the sea, I hate sea food," Just the thought of having to force eat the food made Jenna sick

"Wait, we might, cause this whole thing is water-themed," Emersyn proposes. 

"That's actually smart-"


"It's so quiet in here. I should've gone with the other group," Yashiro mutters. 

The girls had to split in two groups, nine in each van. Yashiro was surrounded with introverts or people that just wanted to sleep, whereas the other van was the definition of chaotic. 

"Guys, let's play something?" She says. 

"What do you want to play?" Diana unplugs her earphones. 

"Let's play Mafia?" 


Soon, the quiet van becomes loud too, with everyone accusing others of being the mafias. 


"How long till we get there? I'm excited!" Ichika jumps in her seat. 

"This the tenth time you're asking in ten minutes," Soyoung observes, making the younger frown. Everyone was quiet in this van now, exhausted by dancing and singing to loud music all this while. 

"We've reached!" Dayeon yells as the van stops. 

"No we haven't, the van stopped for diesel," Chaeyoung says. 


Tanishka chuckles at her. "Pabo."

"No, we've actually reached," Says one of the staff. 

"PaBo," Dayeon imitates Tanishka. 

"Get down, all of you!" 


The girls reunite after they get down of the vans. 

"Where is this place?"

"See, there is a lake here!"

"It's a sea."

"You'll have to eat seafood, Jen!" 

"We have a restaurant nearby, so you can eat anything there," Arin says, overhearing their conversation.

"Thank god. I love this place though."

"I like the view right now~" Few of them sang at the same time. 

Kotone and Sejin took sefies and pictures in front of the sea while the other decided to explore the tents. 

(Their view)

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(Their view)


"Okay, y'all, gather here." 

"You remember the surprise?" Soobin asks. 

"Is it food?"

"Is it the mission?"

"Is it some guest?"

"Yes, they are guests." 

Nene smirks at her correct guess. "I've been hanging out with Amber recently, y'know." She flips her hair. 

"I think some of you really like them." 

"Are they idols? Is it the mentors?"

"Please welcome-"





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