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"Time is up, everyone turn in your midterms please."

I glance over my scantron to make sure I filled everything in before handing it to my Chemistry professor. Hopefully I pass with at least a C...C's do get degrees ladies and gentlemen.

After the exam, I walk over to Starbucks to get something to drink to reward myself.

In front of me in line was Jabari ordering a strawberry açaí. We haven't talked since the Nupe party a while back but I see him around campus. He's usually busy with his organization but he makes sure to greet me when I see him.

"Wassup Omerettà."


He comes in for a side hug but I don't resist, giving him a hug back. Mmm, his cologne smelled so damn good on him; it was like cedar wood mixed with a light scent of vanilla.

"You been doing alright?"

"Yea, just been busy with classes. How about you?"

Before Jabari could respond, the cashier states, "Order whenever you're ready mam."

I turn to her and say, "Can I get a grande white chocolate iced coffee?"

"And how will you be paying?"

Jabari passes the cashier his Bison One card stating, "It's on me and I've been straight, just busy. You should let me know whenever you're free, we should hang out sometimes."

Smiling a bit, I respond, "Ok, I will."

Jabari takes his drink and flashes me another smile saying, "Ima hold you to that so don't be surprised when I text you. See you around."

He leaves and I hear Vicky behind me clearing her throat. "Mmm, I thought you said you didn't like being hugged on."

"I- Vicky please," I laugh, knowing I was caught red handed.

"Yea, that's going to be your man. I'm claiming it for you."

"I don't even know him like that."

"So you haven't been talking with him after that party?"

"Not really, it's mostly been small talk when I see him. Other than that, not really."

"Hmm, hopefully you guys get closer." It was Vicky's turn in line as she turns and hands her card saying, "Can I get a venti mocha frappe with extra drizzle? Thank you. So what are your plans today?"

"I'm probably about to go over Angela's today. I have a midterm in my Accounting Principles class tomorrow but I'm not understanding the new stuff that was piled on us last week..."

"Aww, well I know you're going to be ready for it tomorrow. Shit, this is my dad calling. I'll talk and see you later!"

"Alright, see you!"

【┘】 Later 【┘】

Before I came over, I tried calling Angela to let her know I was coming but she wasn't answering the phone for some odd reason.

My Uber dropped me off and thankfully her car was in the driveway. I ring the doorbell and when I knock, I notice the door was open. What the hell...

I walk in, automatically thinking the worst. "Angela, are you here?"

There was no response, making me even more nervous. I make my way in the kitchen to see Angela sitting at the counter with a bottle of wine. She looks at me and wipes her eyes quickly making it seem as if she wasn't crying.

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