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After almost 20 minutes of walking up the stairs, we had finally reached the place where we were going to zip line. I was so excited but I look over at Angela and could tell she was freaking out by the way she kept taking deep breaths.

She looks down at how far we were from the ground and exhales saying, "How are you scared of a plane but not this?"

"Angela, you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"No, I promised you. I didn't walk all the way up here for nothing."

"Okayyyy. We're going to be just fine," I say cheesing with her still looking down reluctantly.

The zip lining workers began strapping us in the harness and making sure everything was secure. "Alright ladies, everything is set up and ready for you now!"

I look over at Angela and notice she was still on pins and needles, gulping as she continued to look.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright," I say taking her hand. I'm not a physical touch person but I know Angela is so I try my best to comfort her.

"Thank you. I-I guess I'm ready now," she replies with a slight grin.

"Okay, 3, 2, 1!"

We both hop off the ledge and we begin zipping through the air. I was having the time of my life but Angela had her eyes closed almost the entire ride.

"Angela open your eyes it's pretty!"

She opens one eye nervously and then both, looking in awe of the beautiful view.

After a few minutes, we finally made it to the other side. "Oh my God that was so funnn!!"

"Yes it was really nice! I felt so free and exhilarated...something I haven't felt in a while."

"We're most def going to have to do that again."

"Certainly. What do you think about going to get something for dinner and heading back to the hotel?"

"That's fine with me."

【┘】 Later 【┘】

We had made it back to the hotel and I just had to get in the shower after all of the walking we did earlier. After my shower, I was having a bit of trouble figuring out which outfit I wanted to wear to go to dinner.

As I was designing between a sundress or my blouse and shorts, my phone starts to ring. Surprisingly, it was Brooklyn, someone I haven't heard from ever since school started!!


"Heyyyy, happy birthday bestieeeee!!!"

Oh now we're still besties?

I reply to Brooklyn, "Thank why is this the first time I've heard from you since we started school?"

"Girl I've been mad busy. These classes are sooo different from the ones we used to take but it's all cool. I'm not going to lie, I'm a lil high right now," she says laughing in the phone.

High? This girl never smoked before and she knows better because her asthma is jhi bad...

"High? You smoking now?"

"Don't even worry about me I'm cool, I'm cool!!!"

What in the's like she's talking in circles...

"Enough about me. How was your birthday? HU been treating you good?"

"My birthday was really good. I'm spending my birthday week in St. John so it's been really fun."

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