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As I walk into the dorm, I start to feel rude for leaving so unexpectedly. However, I'm not ready to tell her about my personal life yet.

To get my mind off things, I open the Sugar Me Please app and look for some potential dates. I had been talking to two guys lately and I see they both want to meet tonight; what a coincidence.

I open my dorm room to see Vicky and Ti inside eating on my roommate's bed. She would have a fit if she knew my friends were on her stuff.

"Now y'all know she would be mad if she knew y'all were on her bed."

"It's so comfy thoughhhh."

"Nope, I don't want to hear her mouth, just get on my bed! What are you two still doing in here anyways?"

"We just chilling and studying."

I look at them with 2 boxes of pizza and grab a slice, laying across my bed.

"Y'all have any dates planned?"

Vicky shakes her head and highlights a page in her notes. "Nah, the war veteran guy I told y'all about gave me $1000 from our last date. I've been laying low since I have just a little money for myself right now."

"Damnnnn, you must sucked on that World War 2 dick good baby!!!!"

I laugh at Ti and shake my head. This girl is even crazy sober.

"No I did not! I was having a good day and being extra nice."

"Mhm, if you say so. How you and Angela study session went? She bent you over and taught you well didn't she," Ti asks while playfully hitting my ass laughing.

"Uhn uhn, it is not like that! I do have some tea though."

"Come on and spill it!"

"As you guys know, she's in a middle of a divorce. So how about today her husband just popped up at the house trying to come in!"

Vicky looks confused and asks, "For what?"

"He was claiming to try to get his stuff but she was saying he's just trying to get some paperwork to help his side in the divorce."

Ti shakes her head and takes the last bite of her pizza. "It's giving weird how he just popped up there. I wouldn't even want to be near someone I'm divorcing. Maybe he needed something for the kids?"

"Nah, they don't have any kids but I think there's something deeper to why they don't. She kinda gave me a "don't ask about it" look when I asked. S-"

"I'm sorry to cut you off Rettá but look at this!"

Turning her phone towards us was a missing picture of Hannah, the girl that introduced us to being sugar babies in the library. The poster showed both a headshot and surveillance camera footage of her with a pink and white blazer set.

Vicky's mouth drops and she takes Ti's phone to observe closer. "Oh my God...I remember seeing her that day in class. I think it was Tuesday? S-she told me she was going on a sugar baby date later that day..."

Oh shit...

"I don't understand why they have her as missing. Maybe she just needed time to herself away from everybody?"

"I don't think this is a coincidence."

Ti looks at the time and shakes her head getting off the bed. "You guys always thinking about the worst. I think she will come up sooner or later. Anywayssss, I got a date in a hour so I'm about to go back to my dorm."

She picks up 2 more slices of pizza and wraps them in paper towels putting them in her purse.

I glance over at Vicky, who was turning pale and looked nervous as hell. "Ti, please be safe. You have your location on right?"

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