Chapter 26

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Lauren's pov

The next morning I call Officer Healy and tell him what happened last night with that good for nothing bitch. Then I change my number and Camz's just in case.

Camila and I pack up everything and check out of the hotel.

"Lauren do we have to leave?" She says pouting.

I lift her chin up with my pointer finger. "I'm afraid we do darling. Back to work for me and school for you."

"Oh great." She mumbles. I peck her lips lightly then intertwine her fingers with mine.

"Don't worry baby. I'll protect you." I reply.

We walk out into the cold air and finally get a taxi to drive us to the airport.

Our flight leaves at 12 and it is only 11, so Camz and I have some lunch at Chipotle then head off for our terminal.

"Did you call the police about the whole Alexa thing?" Camila asks, before the plane takes off.

"Ya they said they are going to take care of it." I reply.

I feel a slight bit of anxiety in me when the plane gets off the ground. I take a deep breath and just try not to think about it.

Camila's pov

I've never seen Lauren really scared before. She looks so intimidating, but she is like a little puppy. But I guess she's scared of heights.

After about 10 minutes of being in the air, Lauren passes out on my shoulder. I put in my headphones and play some 1975.

"Excuse me Miss?" I take out my headphones and turn my attention to the refreshment lady. Wait a second.

"Would you like a drink?" How. How is this even possible. That voice. That face. That smile. How did she even find us?

"Uhh.. No. Nope I'm good." As soon as she goes to the next person I lightly shake Lauren.

"Babe. Wake up." I see Alexa glance quickly over at us and she looks at me, straight in the eye.

"Are we home already?" She asks and gives me a sleepy smile.

"She's here Lauren. She's on this plane." I look around and she's gone."

"What are you talking about Camz?" She asks.


Lauren looks around.

"Where did you see her?" Lauren asks.

"She was the refreshment lady." Lauren looks at me concerned.

"Camz are you okay?" I close my eyes and sit back in me seat.

"I think you're just really stressed out about this and-"

"And you think that I'm seeing stuff?" I meet her gaze. She grabs my hand.

"No babe, you just need to stop thinking about this whole Alexa thing-" Lauren gets cut off by someone.

"Would you like something to drink miss?" Without looking up at her and by Lauren's expression, I already know that it's Alexa.

"No- I'm good." Lauren looks back at me with her eyes wide.

"Fuck." Is all she says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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