Chapter 4

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Lauren's pov

I look out my window in my room and spot a girl. Camila.

I decide to go out and talk to her. I know she cuts I just want to help her.

I go outside and sit by her. She slowly takes out her headphones.

"Camila. Please tell me what happened." I start.

Camila's pov

"Why do you want to know?" I say getting a little angry.

"Camila please I just want to help." She says.

"I don't need help." I say getting up and leaving.

I hear her let out a breath.

Why the fuck does she want to know. If I tell her about my dad I'm scared that he will be put in jail and then he will come and get me.

Why do I have to have this life. I feel my eyes start to wet so I hurry to the bathroom.

1..2..3..4 and a 5th one for being stupid.

I watch the blood ooze from my skin. I grab a paper towel and clean then up along with my face.

When I look presentable I walk back out into the hallway. I go to my locker an just get my stuff for my next class.

I go on tumblr and just stay at my locker.

All of a sudden I feel someone kick my shin. I fall to the floor and see its Emma and her posy. Great. Just great.

I feel them kick my ribs and I cant breathe. My vision gets blurry and I hear someone say my name and it sounds like Lauren.

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