Chapter 8

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Camila's pov

I'm walk into a dark room and I hear voices.

I feel someone grab me and push me into a wall but they disappear. Someone slaps me but I still see no one.

Then i hear my dad's voice.
He appears out of a corner with his friend who has helped him hurt me.

He walks closer.


I wake up from my nightmare with sweat all over my body and Lauren shaking me awake.

"Camila wake up! It's okay!" She yells.

I break down into Lauren's chest.

"Shhh. It's okay I'm here." She replies in a hushed tone.

"Lauren I-I thought he-he was going to hurt me again." Is all I can get out.

She tightens her grip on me.

"Camila I won't let anyone hurt you." She says while holding me tight.

I let all the tears that have been built up out of me.

I need the pain to be released. I need my razor. I remember putting it in my bag last night.

I get out of Lauren's tight grip and grab my bag. I run to the bathroom and I hear Lauren's muffled voice calling my name.

I go to the bathroom and quickly grab my razor. Before Lauren can get the door open I quickly guide the blade along my skin.

The pain goes away.

Lauren still screaming my name but I just ignore her. Right now I just don't give a fuck.

I hear the doorknob open and I see Lauren.

"CAMILA STOP!" She yells and grabs my razor.

"LAUREN GIVE ME IT I NEED IT." I scream back.

"Your better than this Camila! Please stop doing this to yourself. You don't deserve it!" She yells back.

I fall back onto the wall sliding down to the ground with tears falling.

God why do I have to be so damn messed up.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I repeat.

Lauren sits down next to me and pulls me onto her lap. She rubs my back trying to calm me down but I cant focus on the words she is saying.

I try to say something but everything goes black.

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