Chapter 10

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Camila's pov

Well today is the day I will be released and its Saturday so I got two bonuses.

"Okay Miss. Cabello all I need is a parents signature so we can release you." Parent? Fuck.

Lauren walks in with a coffee in her hand.

"Wait Lauren your over 20 right?" I ask.


"Doctor she is my guardian and she's over the age limit." I reply.

"Okay Miss. Jauregui I need you to sign here to release Camila." He says pointing to a spot on the release form. She gladly signs it and I am free to go.

"Yes I finally can get out of this shitty place." I yell stretching my arms causing Lauren to giggle. God she is so cute.

"Yep just put on your normal clothes and we can go." She says and I nod.

"You can change while I go and bring the car around." She replies walking out of the door.

In no time I'm dressed and ready to go so I grab my bag, my phone, and slip on my beanie.

I walk out of the hospital to find Lauren with the car in the front so I join her in the passenger seat.

I'm check in my phone with all these messages from my dad asking me where I was and all that bullshit.

I sigh to myself and I guess Lauren noticed.

"Are you okay?" She asks looking over at me while we were stuck at a red light.

"Ya it's just my dad is asking me all these questions about where I am and what I'm doing." I reply getting another text from him.

From: Dad


I don't even reply to him I just set my phone on my lap and look out the window. Seeing how peaceful it is. If only the world could be peaceful. I close my eyes and end up falling asleep.


I'm in this beautiful place with white, puffy clouds. Am I in Heaven? I walk up to a golden gate and get let in. It's so calm and beautiful up here. I walk around and see angels with smiling faces looking peaceful.

But then lightning strikes this beautiful place and a guy dressed in red with horns appears and takes me with him. I enter this dark room then all of a sudden he appears again and throws me in a pool of boiling water.

"NO!" I scream sitting up with Lauren rubbing my back and a concerned look on her face. God another fucking nightmare. Wait I thought I fell asleep in the car.

"Wait how did I get here." I ask seeing that I'm in Lauren's bed.

"You fell asleep in the car so I carried you in here." She replies sweetly.

"You didn't have to carry me though, you could have just woken me up." I reply turning to her.

"Well I didn't want to disturb you, now are you hungry." I turn to the clock and see its 12 o'clock.


"What do you want?" She asks getting off of the bed grabbing her phone.

"Whatever your having." I reply getting out I bed also.

"I'll just make a pizza again."

"Well I cant say no to that." I reply and I see her cute little smile appear and I melt.

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