Chapter 19

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Camila's pov

"Miss Cabello and Miss Jauregui, Officer Smith is ready for you." One of the other officers says. I feel my nerves kicking in. I need some air.

"Wait Lauren." I stop her from walking. "Can you just tell him that I'll be there in a minute. I just need some fresh air." She nods and I walk outside to clear my mind.

Lauren's pov

I walk into this empty gray room where Officer Smith is. "Camila will be back in just a minute she just needed some fresh air." He nods and tells me to sit in a chair.

After a couple minutes Camila returns and sits by me. "Are you okay?" I ask putting my hand on her thigh. She nods.

Camila's pov

"Okay Camila I'm just gonna ask you a few questions about what happened. Is that alright?" I nod in response but I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"Okay so first off, has your father abused you before this insident?" Memories flood through my brain.

"Um- yes." I mumble quietly. He jots something down on his notebook.

"Do you remember what he did to you last night?" I honestly feel like I'm gonna throw up. I see a nearby trash can and puke in it. Lauren rubs my back.

"Can we go to the bathroom for a second?" Lauren asks and the officer nods his head. I stand up but I feel so dizzy. Lauren grabs my body and helps me into the bathroom.

"Camila are you okay?" I nod but run to puke again. She holds my hair back.

"It's just- really hard to talk about what he did to me." I sit on the floor with Lauren.

"I know but when you tell him they will have no choice but to send him to prison and Alexa." I nod slightly.

"It's okay Camila I'm right here to help you through everything." I scoot over and give her a hug.

"Thank you." I reply into her neck.

"So are we ready to go back?" I nod. Why can't there be more people like Lauren in the world?

We return to the room and start that terrible question again.

"Okay Camila, Do you remember what he did to you last night?" I nod my head. Lauren grabs my hand and reassures me that everything's gonna be alright.

"Alexa kidnapped me and brought me to my dad's house. She slapped me and kicked me in the ribs. My dad- dad he-" I stare at the table. I remember how he would tell me he would kill me if I told anyone.

"It's okay Camila take your time." Lauren said, still squeezing my hand.

"He- he," a tear escapes my eyes. "He sexually abused me." I start crying hard but Lauren pulls me into her chest.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"It's okay Camz just breathe." I take a few deep breaths then turn back to the officer.

"Thank you so much Camila." I nod and wipe away a few tears.

"I just have one question for Lauren, how did you find Camila?"

"Well I put this app on her phone where I can track where she is incase something happened to her and that's how I found her." He scribbles something down.

"Well your a protective girlfriend aren't you?" He chuckles.

I smile at the fact that he thinks we're dating. Lauren just nods her head while I give him a little smile.

"Thank you so much ladies and we will give you the court dates soon." He shakes both of our hands and we leave that terrible room.

* * *

We return home and honestly I just want to sleep... Forever and never have to wake up to this nightmare of a world again.

I lay on the couch while Lauren takes a seat beside me. "Are you hungry Camz?" I nod. "Do you want pizza?" I nod once again. She gets up and calls the pizza place.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

A: You thought is was over but it's just getting started bitch.

My eyes go wide. No. No. I thought Alexa was in jail. Holy shit.

"Camz are you okay?" I don't even hear Lauren come into the room.

"Ya everything's fine." I mumble.

"Well the pizza will be here soon so you wanna watch some netflix?" I nod my head but all that is going through my mind is Alexa.

"You want to watch Orange is the new black?" She asks.

"Sure." She grabs the remote then sits by me. I snuggle into her body I just want to feel protected because right now I am scared that Alexa is gonna pop out of no where. She wraps an arm around me.

Right when we get comfortable the doorbell rings. I get up because I am starving and grab some money on the table.

But I open the door to find someone I didn't expect to see.

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