Chapter 7

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Camila's pov

I click on the icon and it is a photoshopped picture of me on a pole.

"Hey slut! I spotted you at the club last night! I cant wait until I show everyone this picture. Get ready a good day tomorrow:)"

All I do is backup to where my phone is on the table. I need to find a bathroom.

I grab my bag and find a hallway. I spot a bathroom and lock myself inside.

I grab my razor that says 'Emma' on it and guide it along my skin.

Lauren's pov

I get dressed in sweats and come downstairs to find no Camila but her phone opened on the table.

I walk up and see it is a picture of her on a pole with a rude comment. I see its from Emma. I knew she was a bitch. Wait I need to find Camila.

"Camila!" No reply.

"CAMILA!" Still no reply.

I go to the nearby hallway and see the bathroom is closed.

"Camila please let me!" I yell and I hear small sniffles.

Aww my poor baby.

Wait did I just call her my baby?

Wait there is a spare key on all the tops of the doors. I quickly grab the key and open the door to find Camila with 5 cuts on her arms.

I cant help but just launch myself at her and hug her.

She hugs back instantly and grabs my shirt crying into it.

"It hurts Lauren. It hurts." She says quietly.

"It's okay just remember I will always be here for you and we will get through this together." I say holding her close.

We sit there for a few more minutes. Then I pull back and see that we need to clean up her arms.

I grab some towels and peroxide.

"Okay Camz this might sting a little." I prepare her then apply the peroxide.

She lets out a whimper.

Then I'm finished.

"Why don't we just go to bed." I suggest and she nods her head.

I grab her hands and help her up but for some reason I feel electricity go through my body.

I show her where our bedroom is and she goes into the bathroom to change. I turn on the the tv to see if anything is on. I go to ABC Family and see 'Forest Gump' is on.

I hear little footsteps and turn around to see Camila in sweats and a big Ed Sheeran shirt. Oh my god she is so cute.

I smile as she walks in and she returns it.

Her eyes light up when she sees what movies is on.

"I LOVE THIS MOVIE." She says staring up at the screen.

"Me to." I say never taking my eyes off of her.

She puts her bag in the corner and climbs into bed beside me. All I want to do is wrap my arms around her but I'm scared of rejection.

In my previous relationships well, they haven't ended great. One girl I dated used me to get her girlfriend back and I will never forget that feeling that I had.

Another girlfriend cheated on me. I came home from work and found her with some girl I've never seen before making love. I cried for days. I thought she was my one and only but I guess not. I haven't been in a relationship since her.

When I was in High School I went through what Camila went through. I cut myself but I got the help that I needed and I knew when I got older that I would want to help people.

Camz's eyes are glued to the screen. Aww.

She noticed me staring.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

"Because your beautiful." My mouth said without me even thinking about what just came out.

I see a blush form on her cute little cheeks.

God can she get any cuter?

Dating My Teacher (camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora