Chapter 11

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Camila's pov

Holy shit. Lauren and I just kissed.

We stare at each other for a couple seconds then the silence is interrupted by my phone buzzing.

I get out of the trance leaving Lauren there while I grab my phone.

From: Dad

I got a surprise for you. Now if you come home you will get to find out what it is.

I roll my eyes and put my phone down. What's me surprise? Getting a face full of fist? God he pisses me off. Does he really think I'm that stupid?

I am interrupted from my thoughts by someone putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Camila, is everything alright?" Lauren asks softly.

I take a deep breath and shake my head. I turn around so I can look straight at her beautiful emerald eyes.

"Just my dad trying to "lure" me back home." I reply putting air quotes around lure.

"He is disgusting." She says and i nod.

"So.. Why don't we go watch some movies?" She asks cutting the silence.

"Ya that would be fun." I reply meeting her eyes once again.

She goes into the living room and picks up an armful of movies.

"So what do you like? I got horror, comedy, and romantic movies. But I personally am I scary movie type of person." Lauren tells me making eye contact.

"Well I get scared easily." I reply quietly a little embarrassed.

"It's okay I'll protect you." She smiles at me.

'I'll protect you.' I honestly don't think anyone has ever said that to me.

I nod my head and she grabs a movie.

"I'm going to go change." I tell her and she nods.

I jog up the stairs and grab my bag of clothes. I put on a big shirt with some sweatpants.

I head back to Lauren's room and she is already in bed with the movie playing.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask climbing into bed.

"The Conjuring." She replies grinning at me.

Oh great. A scary movie.

We've watched about 30 minutes of the movie and I'm already freaked out.

Lauren's pov

We are watching the movie and I notice Camila shaking covering her eyes.

"Aww Camz come here." I open my arms and she scoots into my embrace as quick as a flash. She smells so good.

She snuggles into me.

Camila's pov

I feel so safe in Lauren's embrace.

We finish the movie and I pretty much just covered my eyes the whole movie because it scared the shit out of me.

Lauren's pov

The movie ends and I hear small snores coming from Camila snuggled into me. I laugh to myself and turn the movie off then wrap my arms around her tiny body.

Camila's pov

I wake up to someone's arms wrapped around me then remember its Lauren. She is still asleep and I have to say she is so cute when she's asleep.

I slowly turn to see what time it is and it's 6:30. Wait today's Monday. Shit. School.

Lauren's alarm starts going off and she stirs awake.

"Morning Lauren." I say.

She looks down at me. "Good morning Camz." God her voice is sexy in the morning.

"Ready to go to school?" She asks.

"Oh ya. You know how much I love school." I reply sarcastically receiving a laugh from Lauren.

"Don't let them get to you. Just say that you are going to have the best day today." Lauren says.

"I'll try." I reply.

"Do you want some breakfast?" She asks sitting up and I instantly miss her warmth.

"If you want some. I don't want to be an inconvenience." I reply sitting up as well.

Lauren looks straight into my eyes. "Camila you will never been an inconvenience and don't ever think that." She replies seriously.

"Do you like pancakes?" I nod my head and she smiles.

"Okay you can get ready while I go make them."

"Okay thank you Lauren." She smiles at me then leaves the room.

I quickly hop in the shower then get dressed in my normal get up. I apply some makeup on my face and scars then head downstairs to find Lauren.

A huge plate of chocolate chip pancakes are sitting on the island.

I grab a plate and put about 5 on my plate and inhale them within a minute.

Wow these are so good.

"Jesus Camz." Lauren replies laughing at me.

"They are so good." I say with food still in my mouth.

Lauren laughs at me and takes a seat next to me.

We eat and talk about random stuff then it is time to go.

I grab my bag and walk out to Lauren's car.

"Ready?" She asks. All I do is nod and we are off the hell.

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