Chapter 15: Good Morning Britain

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11th December 2017

"today we have a very special guest on Good Morning Britain.. for the first time ever, Royal Janet Michael Jackson" Kate Garraway said making me smile and nod as i was on the other side of the panel "it's so lovely to have you here.. it's a honour really." she said
"oh thank you so much! it's a honour to be here, london is beautiful" i smiled softly

"did you come here much when you was younger?" Ben Shephard and i nodded "yeah.. we'll, i came here a few times, with my mom, with my uncle. my family love london." i say softly

"now it's quite obvious that you and your uncle michael had a special relationship... what was that like being so close to such a huge public figure?" Kate asked smiling at me as i took a sip of water from the glass on the panel

"my mom was my uncle michael's closest sibling. they were best friends, people often called them twins because of their uncanny resemblance to each other, and how they just couldn't stay away from each other when they was together.." i smiled softly "and you know i didn't really understand it all at first, i knew my family were famous, but not to the extent that they are, if you get me." i say talking while using my hands to express what i'm on about.

"my uncle was an incredible man, through and through." i smiled

"some people may disagree with that." piers morgan said and i almost scowled at him, he's never been fond of my uncle.
"yeah.. but they don't know my uncle. they don't know his heart. i know his heart." i pat my chest softly.

"now you've obviously taken the acting root which shocked the world considering you have an incredibly talented mother who was dubbed the queen of pop or queen of pop & r&b, and with a uncle who was dubbed the king of pop back in the 80s.. what made you choose acting?"

"my passion has always been music and always will be, i get to really express me and my life when i sing. but i chose acting because it was my passion to bring a script to life.. one of the first movies i watched.. creepily, was Scream.. the first one. my uncle and i watched it together with popcorn when i was like 5. it'd already been out a couple of years, and he made me promise not to tell my mom because she's of been mad. and i fell in love with sidney.. the way she conveyed her emotions and how she could change them in actual seconds really inspired me. so i knew from a very young age i wanted to be in movies." i smiled

"was your family supportive of it? i can't imagine they'd of been best pleased you going down a totally different path." piers said. i shook my head "they was very supportive. they watch my movies all the time, they're so proud"

"do you plan on bringing more music out?" ben asked me smiling

"actually yes... a new single is planned and the release date has been finalised, we just have to film the video for it. i have also written a trunk full of songs, it was just over a hundred songs last time i checked. so i basically have my album somewhere in that trunk load of songs." i smiled "all i have to do is select them and finalise the album.. which is out way sooner than anyone thinks!" i smiled happily "i'm really excited for this one.. i said in a interview months back that i never knew when i was going to release a album again..." i trailed off and ran my hand through my hair "then i listened to the bad album by my uncle and i though 'wow, what a masterpiece' i got myself
in the studio and wrote, and wrote, until i just had a huge selection of songs. that album was definitely the inspiration for my next album."

"can we have any spoilers?" ben joked making me laugh and throw my head back "no you'll have to wait until i start teasing my album properly!"

"i think it's amazing that one of the first movies you remember watching, the movie that inspired you... you ended up acting in during the 4th instalment. what was that like?" Kate asked me softly, she seemed so sweet. so respectful.
"oh it was phenomenal. to me, that's when i knew i made it. i was in scream 4, working alongside my acting hero neve campbell. it was incredible."

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