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i've used that word maybe three times in my life. once in kindergarten, again in middle school, and now.

"promise you'll be our bestfriend forever!" a girl with two brown curly pigtails.

"promise!" i say, crossing fingers with her and three other boys.

one with blonde fluffy hair who always had mysterious little bruises everywhere.

another one with black fuzzy hair, his smile always lit up the room when he walked in.

and the last boy. he had charms in his eyes. his long brown floppy hair.

they all crossed their pinkies with mine. kiara, jj, pope, and john b are their names:)

middle school
"okay so we made this set of rules that we have to follow no matter what." john b says.

"we should read them aloud so everyone knows we got it." pope adds.

"no pogue on pogue macking." jj says.

"never let our families get between us." i say.

"and finally.." john b starts.

"... no leaving eachother." kiara says.

she puts her hand in between us, we pile our hands on top of hers.

"promise?" kiara asks.

"promise." we all say in sync.


and now to rafe. i make a promise to never leave him. i've never broken a promise. ever.


as i sit in the passenger seat, i admire his hair in the wind. his veiny arms leading to his hands on the steering wheel. his bruises healing. he looks at me, a smile growing on his face.

god this human makes me so happy.

he puts his hand on top of mine. i curl my fingers in between his, pulling his hand to my face to kiss the back of it.

he looks back at the road. i can see his cheeks turning red.

"i see you blushing over there mr. cameron." i say.

he giggles quietly.

"no." he says, trying not to laugh.

"what are you laughing at?" i say, smiling.

he glances at me then back to the road.

"you're perfect y/n." he says.

his words make me giggle.

"i love you rafe." i say.


more than he could ever imagine.

"yeah." i say, smiling.

"i love you too." he says, blushing, "you know maybe one day you could be a cameron."

those words made my whole body shiver. marrige?

"maybe." i say, unsure but still smiling.

of course all good things come to an end, like this moment when rafe gets a phone call. instead of ignoring it, he picks it up and answers immediately.

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