Miscommunication: the Root of all Evil

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Ariana stands waiting for them to finish their silent conversation. They are talking about her, she knows it. She gets lost in her thoughts as she watches the two bicker. Without noticing, her hands begin to tremble. This is just like what happened with Katie and Nathan Smith. They're going to snap at me. They're not happy. I should have told them no. I made too many mistakes; I think that mistake was the last straw.

Pepper plants a small kiss on Tony's cheek before turning back to Ariana who is watching them. Pepper gives her a smile. Her smile falters when she notices Ariana's trembling hands. She strides up to her with confusion and worry on her face.

Ariana's breath becomes shallow as she watches the woman's face turn from a bright smile to a frown. The beautiful lady is looking down. Ariana looks down and notices her trembling hands as well. No, the last thing I need is another mistake... She quickly puts her hands behind her back as the woman quickly makes her way over to her. Ariana looks down at her feet.

Pepper notices her shove her hands behind her back and her eyes drop to the ground. Her heels loudly click on the hard floor. The sound is enough to make Ariana feel sick. She braces herself for punishment, for pain. Her footsteps are loud and she is walking fast; she must be furious. When, in fact, that was not even close to the case. No, Pepper's fast movements were out of concern for the girl, but unfortunately, Ariana didn't know that. She wraps Ariana in a big hug trying to comfort her the best way she knows how.

When Pepper reaches her, to say the kid was surprised by her hug would be an understatement. When she had seen Pepper's nude heels pop into view she squeezed her eyes tight getting ready to feel pain. She was not expecting to be wrapped in a gentle embrace. Of course, at first, Ariana was scared. She panicked thinking that she was going to pick her up and carry her to his room -wait -no... He's not here. She can't take her to his room... He's not here. He's not here. He is not here. Nathan is not here.

Her mind flickers to think that perhaps Tony is going to do the same thing that Nathan did, but she stays on the ground. Is this lady trying to slowly squeeze the life out of me? Because if so, she's not doing a good job; this is much too gentle. When she feels Pepper run her hand through her hair in a comforting movement, she flinches a bit. Wait... no- there's no pain. No pain at all. She isn't pulling on my hair... She's trying to comfort me? But why? What's going to happen? ...Maybe I was right about the Nathan thing, maybe she's just giving me sympathy before I'm forced to go into his room. Does she want me to hug her back? Maybe I should...

Pepper frowns as her hug is not returned. The girl just stands there frozen. Once she starts moving her gentle hand through Ariana's hair she feels the girl straighten quickly. She still doesn't return the hug. Maybe I shouldn't have hugged her. Am I making her uncomfortable? I should move-

Before Pepper is able to move, she feels two hands hesitantly and softly touch her back. It's as if the teenager is wrapping her arms around her, but just not physically touching her much. Pepper smiles warmly in relief with a tiny bit of water forming in her eyes.

She backs away from the girl and leaves her hands on her shoulders. "Hey, Tony and I were thinking we should go out to eat for supper tonight," she smiles.

"Oh, okay. That's alright," Ariana nods, they must be a couple. They're going out on a date tonight. I guess that means one less dish I have to prepare than usual.

"We are going somewhere fancy so we have an excuse to wear some formal outfits," she winks at Ariana, grinning. Ariana returns the smile. It's nice to see them so excited to go out together. She actually thinks it's pretty cute that Pepper is so giddy about it. Glancing back to look at Tony, she notices he doesn't share the same excitement. I hope that the date goes well... if not it could mean trouble for me.

Oh my gosh, stop! No! Stop being so selfish! What about their relationship?! That means so much more than me getting the front of the anger!

"What do you think you're going to wear?" Pepper asks her while guiding Ariana to her room. Ariana follows in confusion. What I'm going to wear? Why would I change? I am staying here -unless... Her heart and stomach drop as she realises that she is going to be going along on their date. 

No wonder he was so upset!

Parasite   *•.¸♡ 𝙏𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙠'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 ♡¸.•*Where stories live. Discover now