Chapter 3 ~ College

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I didn't actually know where i was going. I applied for Yale and Stanford and I have a scholarship for Harvard. I haven't gotten a reply from anywhere but I'm sure i should soon. Later the next day I got a call from Kathryn. She got a great scholarship to play softball for this team far away. She didn't tell me much really. She was always with the popular girls that didn't like me but she always stayed loyal to me.
"I need some help." She said. She really sounded worried.
"What's wrong?"
"I got accepted to the college i applied for..."
"Are you serious thats great!"
"yah but i also got accepted to the other one i applied for!"
"ohh you don't know which one to go to...thats a tough one." I didn't know what to say! OMG I just realized what if it happens to me! "Just pick one and call the other one that you already got another offer."
"Thanks Shaynah I guess i just needed a little reassurance. BAII!"
"Bye Bye!" I'll just give the same advice to myself i gave to Kathryn.

-Three days later-

I got a call from both Yale and Stanford that I got into Stanford but not Yale. Stanford was really expensive and i already had a full paid scholarship to Harvard. So I think I'm going to Harvard. I gave Stanford call and delivered the bad news and called Harvard to deliver the GOOD news. I guess I'm going to Harvard. This is good because I just found out that Nota was going to Harvard too! This will be a lot more fun then I thought!

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