Special Chapter

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Now I'm at 200 reads...in a day! Crazy! So as a promised im gonna write my special chapter!
So this is what the real Shaynah Jerman is like.
I do karate (currently sitting at karate rn)
I dance (jazz and ballet)
I did the play (gym teacher)
Me and Aidan are NOT dating so whatever you hear is worng! especially if you hear it from Ryan.
Umm well yesterday i had my family bday party and my bff Faith came over and on saturday was my lazer gate party. it was so much fun and ryan and rena totally connected😏
I'm now 13 if anyone was wondering.
And on tuesday im going to the movies w Faith and then sleeping over Rena's on wednesday.
Right now: im sitting here at my karate studio waiting for my brothers class to end and my class to begin. I'm a 5th degree jr black belt and a 2nd degree brown in adult level.
At my dance im on the competition team and recently i got high gold on my jazz dance and i dont compete in ballet.
umm idk what else you wanna know.
You will meet more friends later in the story. oh and go follow my friends:
and PLEASE read my story. Thanks for the reads i got guys!!
if there is anything else u wanna know...

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