Chapter 5 ~ And were off!

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About a week later I got to packing all week. I had Aidan (srry spelt it wrong before) help me pack my boxes into my car and he even rode with me to the campus. Where would I be without him?
"You better get into Harvard next year." I say as we drive.
"Why wouldn't I? I've had all straight A+'s since middle school." He responded.
"Just making sure."
"You excited?" He asks breaking the silence.
"Why its amazing getting in there!"
"I've got one word for you: Josh."
"He got in?!"
"surprising right! I'll be fine i promise."
"Okay but if you need me you know who to call."
"Yup thanks Aidan."
"No prob sista."
We call each other brother and sister because we are like siblings. When we arrive on campus I check in and Aidan, once again helps me bring my things into my dorm. I really wanna know who I'll be roommates with. OMG I didn't even realize Aidan doesn't have a way home since we took my car.
"Oh well...umm We really should of thought this through more." He says when i tell him.
"I can drive you back or..." I get cut off when Aidan's phone rings.
"really?! Are you sure? Are you kidding?! okay I'll be back in half an hour! Bye." He really sounded excited on the phone so I'm excited now.
"who was that?"
"the THS principal."
"really? what he say?"
"I've been so outstanding that I'm skipping senior year and now I'M GOING TO HARVARD!!!"
"OMG NO WAY THATS AMAZING!" I can't even believe what I just heard! My best friend since 5th grade is going to the same college as me!
"So now i kinda have to drive you home so you can pack." I say.

~Three hours later~

Me and Aidan get settled in our dorms. We couldn't be roommates but we aren't that far apart. At about 9pm when I was finished setting up and me and Aidan were sitting at the table already set a girl walked into my room. I assumed she was my roommate. She was really pretty. She had dark blonde hair and glasses. She was really tall and walked in with a boy about the same height and red hair.
"Umm hey." I say cautiously.
"Hi you must be my roommate. I'm Jayde. Oh and this is my brother Jeremy." Jeremy kinda half smiles and waves at me and Aidan.
"how you doin'?" Jeremy says acting cool.
"good. How you doin'?" Aidan responded.
"Good. So Jayde if your good than I gotta go back to my dorm."
"Kay bye." Jeremy leaves and shuts the door behind us.
"Yah I gotta go too. See you later Shaynah." Aidan says following Jeremy.
"We better get rest classes start tomorrow." She says.
"Okay. Tomorrow I can help you unpack." I offer.
"Okay deal. good nite"
I think me and Jayde will be good friends...
If i get 100 reads i will put a special chapter in.
Love you!

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