Chapter 6 ~ Jayde

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At about 5:30am I hear 5Sos (5 seconds of summer) playing pretty loudly. Not like THE WHOLE CAMPUS can hear more like me, Jayde, and maybe our neighbors can hear. I don't know where its coming from but all i know is I WANNA SLEEP FOR ANOTHER HOUR! By the time i find it i can only sleep half an hour. Better than nothing...right?
I look over to Jayde's bed and she isn't there! "She's probably in the bathroom." I think calmly. I walk over to the bathroom that connects us and our next door neighbors. I try to open the door and I can hear the people on the other side have heard it too and are trying to stop it as well. I get my license and slide it through the door to get it unlocked. Sure enough there's her bathing the bath tub...listening to 5Sos. She is sleeping so I quickly go unlock the door for our neighbors. Two girls step inside and they look similar but not twins.
"Umm hey you must be the neighbors." One of them says.
"BRIANNA! Where are my manors?! I'm Rena and.....wait....SHAYNAH!!"
"OMG YOU GUYS YOU GUYS LOOK AMAZING!" I reply. I can't believe that my two best friend from when we were little are here in front of me now! We lost touch in high school and now we are here! Harvard. In all the excitement Jayde woke up and splashed water everywhere!
"What's going on?" Jayde said confused.
"Jayde these are my two friends from when we were little. Thats Rena and thats Brianna."
"Nice to meet you." The three say in unison.
"Well we should get moving its past 6 already." Brianna says looking at the wall clock. As we all say our goodbyes and exit the bathroom I think to myself "This is going to be a good year..."
Thanks for over 50 reads it means a lot since I've barely had this story out for a month. I'm really busy thats why not much is going out but bare with me when this week is over I'll be totally free to write to my heart's desire. talk about #cheesey lol bye! xxx

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