Chapter 17 ~ Amelia

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This chapters all about you amelia_anslow and her story JOYRIDE!! Check it out! Thanks : )
Shaynah's POV
When I got home Jayde was sitting at the table on her phone eating spaghetti.
"Hey" I say as I walk in and throw my dance stuff on the bed.
"Sup" She says not looking up from her. "How was your competition?"
"Good. Got first on my solo." I say.
We get into bed at about 10:30pm.
At like 5 in the morning, Amelia called me and I was really confused.
"SHANYA HELP!!" She says into the phone.
"What?" I say groggily.
"I'm obsessing over this guy still."
"Really? Amelia get over it!!"
"I can't Victoria keeps bugging me and I can't get him off my mind since that day back in high school."
"Would u like to come over? I don't have morning classes today."
"Yah okay be there in 30." She said and hung up. I look at the clock: 5:15am now. UGH! I get up and wake up Jayde cuz she has morning classes and I don't today. Then I check again: 5:26am, about 15 minutes left. I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth and a that stuff then I get dressed. I'm wearing a black tank top with a ripped back style that says '#dancer' and denim shorts with my teal converse and my flower crown w my hair in a pony tail.
As of right on que, at 5:45am there is a knock on our door.
"COME IN!" I say just as I slip the flower crown on my head.
"Starbucks...NOW!" She screams as she enters. Jayde tosses me my purse and Amelia drags me out of my dormitory and into her car to drive to Starbucks.
When we get there Amelia stops and stares straight ahead.
"Amelia why'd u stop come one!" I say trying to push her.
She quickly turns around and leaves the store causing me to fall.
"Hey! What was that?!" I say brushing dust off my clothes.
"The server...its him..." She says not moving.
"Really ill go talk to him!"
"NO STOP!!" She says finally turning around and looking at me still on the ground.
"Fine YOU go talk to him." I say.
"Omg fine I don't wanna fight I give up." She says walking into Starbucks as I follow her in.
"Order me a latte please!!" I scream as I take a seat in the corner.
From behind the counter I see Jennifer come and sit next to me.
"hey." she says
"Hi jen." i say.
"what's up?"
"Waiting for my friend. Hey can u help me w something."
"Yah sure"
"What can you tell me about the server." I point to Jake.
"Well he always goes on about this tall blonde chick that he's had feelings for in high school when he played varsity but he thought that people would mock him for dating and unpopular." She used air-quotes around "unpopular".
"Okay thanks."
"Your welcome. I'm gonna get back to work see ya."
After about two minutes Amelia comes back with two lattes in a tray.
"Ooh Latte!!" I say walking towards her, except she grabs my arm and drags me out of the store before I even said anything...
A/N: Thanks for ALL the support this story is getting! I have been struggling finding time to write this because I've been super busy lately but I do have some good news: 1. I got high gold at my dance comp on Saturday!
2. I'm free today so I can write!!
I'm running out of ideas so please comment who you would like to see involved next or what could happen!
THANKS!!! 💘💋

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