~Halloween Special~

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3rd POV

It was a dark and cold night. The wind blew the cold air as falling leaves flew away.

This cold breeze heads towards a petite girl, her (h/c) locks flowing with the wind. It was a calm night, almost comforting strangely enough. She was shivering as she walked through the dark path.


The crunch of the leaves could be heard as she walked through this dim path. It was oddly alluring.

The petite girl sneezed softly, breaking the silence of the forest, as she muffled the sneeze with her arm. She took out a handkerchief and started to clean herself. Unbeknownst to her that her roommates were waiting for her. Some watching her every move as she walked closer to her destination.



'WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO COLD?!' I thought, bringing my sweater closer to my body, trying to get a little warmth. I shiver as a sudden breeze hits ny face. 'Wow.. does God really want me to die from hyperthermia?!'

'I kind of regret accepting this roommates request. I mean- WHO LIVES IN THE MIDDLE OF A CREEPY ASS OMINOUS FOREST?!' I quietly cry, as fun fact I HATE THE FUCKING DARK! ESPECIALLY A FOREST LIKE THIS! ABSOLUTELY NOT! But I had to accept. I had ran away from home because I was done with my families abusive, manipulative, controlling environment they kept me in.

Unfortunately, my dumbass didn't think the plan through as I had no place to stay. However, God was FINALLY on my side for once as I had come across a 'looking for roommates' type of page. Bad news was that all the profiles seemed really sketchy and just SCREAMED illegal.

Strangely enough tho, I was lucky to have found another website attached to the sketchy website I had been looking. When I clicked on the link, there were only a couple profiles but were pretty vague, with the exception of one.

It was the one I had accepted to become roommates with. They had said that they were looking for a human to come and live with them. I was curious as to why they put human in the description, but figured they just wanted to be respectful and inclusive to people who don't identify with male or female.

I had looked through how many people have requested to be roommates with them and found that there was a lot of females there, but the post was still open for roommates. This would have weirded me out however, on the updates of the profile, the person had said that many of the people who ended up trying to become roommates with them ended up changing their minds, finding another place to stay at or just disappear. With that, that is how I ended up in this creepy forest.

I sighed out of exhaustion, but quickly noticed a building. My face lit up, pure joy came over me. 'OMG- LORD! FINALLY! I WOULD'VE CRIED MORE IF THE HOUSE DIDN'T APPEAR SOONER OR LATER!'

I quicken my pace towards the building. The fog was clearing up and once I was at the gate, my jaw dropped. 'THIS HOE LIVES IN A MANSION?!' I was mesmerized but creeped out at the same time as the house looked ancient.

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