Chapter 5: Critical

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I stayed at my desk, looking down as I hear the 3 arguing. 'They're arguing because of me... I'm the problem. Dad and my "mom" were right.. I can't do anything right. I always cause trouble for others...'

I stay there, still. Hearing the voices of my parents and the 3 arguing until suddenly both voices went quiet. They have stopped arguing. But why? 'Why did they stop so abruptly-' I thought until a tear drop falls onto my desk.


'No no no..! No! They saw me cry.. they're gonna yell at me.. I need to get out now. Run. Get out. Get out before you get hit-' As I was about to make a dash for the door, the chemistry teacher comes in, scolding whoever was up and apologizing for being late. 'Shit... don't make eye contact. Don't stare. Stay still. Don't move a muscle. If I do.. it's over.'

You were delusional at the moment. Your mind and body remembering the trauma you've endured for your whole life is making you believe you'll get hurt again. In response your actions are a form of protecting yourself. Even if you may "forget" this trauma at some point, your body and subconscious will always remember.

Your breathing was heavy, your sight becoming a blur as all these memories and thoughts flood into you like a tsunami, eventually hearing ringing in your ears getting louder and louder until you heard the bell. As soon as the bell rang you ran out. Your body filled with adrenaline. 'Hide,' was all that was on your mind.

I was running through the halls, not even daring to look up and only trusting my instincts to run and hide. Luckily, I didn't bump into anyone. I went for the stairs when I got there, going up into a more secluded area of the school.

I suddenly heard a yelp and laughter. It sounded familiar. I go investigate the sound and there inside a abandoned classroom were 3 girls surrounding another girl that was on the floor. It was Nezuko. When my eyes layed upon the scene, I couldn't move. I was scared.'N-nezuko?! What are they doing to her- no.. I know what they're doing.. it's happened to me before... multiple times.. but what should I do? I'm scared..'

I clentch my fists and with the adrenaline that had carried me here, I quickly yell "STOP IT!" and rush over to Nezuko. All the girls, including Nezuko were startled and surprised at this sudden entrance. When they see you aiding Nezuko, they scowl in disgust.

"What the hell do you want? What are you doing?"

I heard one of the girls ask. I slowly look up at the girls. The one who spoke had yellow highlights, her hair tied into a ponytail with quite expensive branded clothing. (HINT: you've seen her before in one of my chapters) The other 2 girls stood next to her, both had dyed hair with some expensive clothing.

I bite my lip. My nerves and anxiety were through the roof. Even with this, with all my will not to have my voice crack or quiver I say, "Im aiding to her. Can't you see? Don't hurt her. What even is your problem in the first place to harm her? Are you so entitled that you think you can get away with this???" I gulp, hearing the 2 girls that were next to the girl with highlights gasp. I notice both their faces had fear written all over. This made me regret everything I just said, knowing full well I messed up big time.

The girl starts to laugh and I suddenly feel my upper chest get lifted. She was holding me by my collar shirt, she was intimidating. I wanted to run, hide, but I stood my ground. "What the fuck did you just say? You have a lot of nerve saying such things to me," the girl said with a dark ominous tone.

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