Chapter 8: A Strange Start

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I slowly open my eyes as I move around the couch. I suddenly feel something thin on top of me as I look and realize I had a blanket over me. 'That's weird. I don't remember having a blanket on last night. Did Kie put it on me?' I ponder before shaking that thought away.

I suddenly hear soft snores and look around for the source. I quickly realized that all the Kamado siblings except for Rokuta were sleeping in the living room... BUT ON THE FLOOR!

I panic as I start to fumble around wondering what to do. "W-wake up you guys! Why are you sleeping on the floor?!" I ask until I'm suddenly pulled into the embrace of someone. It was Tanjiro who had pulled me into his arms and hugged me. My face begins to heat up as I am in a awkward position. 'D-did Tanjiro just pull me in while he's asleep?!' I think to myself in disbelief. "I- uh- Tanjiro.. wake up please..." I plead but he didn't hear me as he snuggled closer to me, his soft snores filling the quiet home.

I try to get free from his grip, but he was surprisingly strong. After a couple failed attempts, I give up as I sigh in defeat. I let myself be snuggled by a sleeping Tanjiro as sleep too starts to overcome me. Unbeknownst to you that a pair of maroon eyes opened up as they stared at you. Tanjiro gazed at your features as he smiled to himself, happy his plan worked before closing his eyes once more and this time going to sleep.

-Some time later,

I slowly woke up as I heard my alarm. I rub my eyes as I try to reach for my phone, but I couldn't move. I was confused until I remembered that Tanjiro had taken a hold of me while he slept.

Just then I hear a couple giggles. I look up to realize all the Kamado siblings including Kie were staring at Tanjiro and I as Nezuko took pictures. "Well don't you two look comfortable~" Nezuko teased as my face gets red in embarrassment. "N-no! It's not what you think!" I shriek as I try to wiggle free in a futile attempt.

Tanjiro soon wakes up from all the ruckus and when he realizes the camera he blushes too out of embarrassment and let's go of me, giving me a chance to turn off my alarm. "My oh my, are you two really not going out?" Kie asked as I shook my head. "No it's just- Tanjiro pulled me in while he slept. I had woken up earlier and tried to get free, but as you can see, I failed," I explain as she giggled. "I know, I know. I just like teasing you," she said as I let out a relieved sigh.

"It's really the first time Tanjiro brought over a girl to our home. He only brings Zenitsu and Inosuke regularly. I believe the only girl he ever brought over was Kanao, but that was her along with the rest of the band for some planning they had. You're the first girl he ever brought over that wasn't for work reasons, so it did surprise me," Kie said as I smiled. "Well Nezuko and Tanjiro were kind to me and helped me out when I needed it. They didn't want me to stay home alone either so they invited me over," I say with gratitude in my words.

"Well enough of the chit chat. I'll begin to make breakfast while you kids get ready for school," Kie said as I nod and turn to Nezuko. "Uh... Nezuko. Do you have any-" I begin to say until I'm cut off by said girl. "Yes I have spare clothes ready for you. C'mon!" she said as she dragged me to her room.

-20 minutes later-

In the end, I ended up wearing clothing I never thought I would wear, although I made sure to have long sleeves in order to hide my scars. I wore a white turtle neck with a brown plaited sleeveless dress along with the converse I had worn the other day. They were a tiny bit big on me, but it wasn't noticeable.

 They were a tiny bit big on me, but it wasn't noticeable

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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