Chapter 4: What Haunts Me

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My eyes slowly flutter open as my vision is a bit blurry. I rub my eyes as I sit up from my bed. I look around and I freeze.

'Why am I still here?! This is a dream. Right? So why...'

I shake off the thought when my alarm continues to ring, looking down at my phone before I quickly get out of bed and rush to get my clothes and stuff.


I hurry to get my clothes on, quickly brushing my hair and teeth before grabbing my bag and heading out.

As I was running to school, my previous thoughts come back to me in a flash. 'Why?! Why am I still here??? If this is a dream I should've woken up... what if I never wake up...'

I soon get to school right on time before the gate closed and run to my class. I wasn't late, in fact I had about 15 minutes before class started, but my head was so full of worry that I just ran. 'SHIT SHIT SHIT! What about mom and dad... they still need me. I need someone...'

As I was running I didn't notice 2 very tall figures in my way until I fell to the ground upon impact. This caused my things to spill all over the floor and for my messy bun (ignore the tied up hair part if your hair is short) to go undone, some strands of hair going onto my face.

I quickly look up to see who I bumped into and realized it was Kyojuro and Uzui. I tried to talk, but got beat to it by Kyojuro. "Hey l/n-san! Are you okay-" but before he could finish he abruptly stopped causing me to look at them with a worried expression. They both immediately knelt down to my level as Rengoku suddenly wiped something off my face, while Uzui looked at me with worry.

"L/n-san are you okay? You're crying. Why?" Tengen suddenly asked to which I freeze. 'I'm crying? Was that why Rengoku touched my face? Is that why they both looked worried...?' I quickly look down. 'It's my fault they're worried.. it always is..'

"I-im sorry for bumping into you two.. I-im fine so don't worry about me, okay? I'm sorry.." I quietly say, feeling as if I'll break down crying if I talk any louder. The voices of my mom and dad ring in my head as it eventually becomes the only thing I could hear. 'Your a disgrace. You are useless. You can't do anything right. I wish you were never born.'

I soon feel my head up against someone's chest with their hand behind my head, their big hands gently touching my head. I look up to see it was Uzui who did this. Rengoku suddenly took both my hands and held them. They were both comforting me. It was familiar.

"Hey it's okay l/n-san. You don't have to tell us anything, okay?" Rengoku said softly, giving me a warm smile. Tengen follows, saying, "Yeah Kyojuro is right. You don't have to tell us anything if you aren't comfortable. Just know that you can always come to us when your ready." My chest feels warm. 'Is it really okay though..? Am I allowed to be happy from their words..?'

As if from instinct, my body moves on it's own as I wrap my arms around the two men, hugging them both tightly. "Thank you.." is all I was able to mutter out. The 2 boys smiled and stayed like that momentarily.

I finally let go as both of them stood up and in a flash, Uzui suddenly picked me up off the ground. "Up you go," he said, picking me up as if I was a little kid. "H-hey! Put me down!" I stuttered out a bit, quite embarrassed that I was being treated like a kid. "Hmph, finnnee" was all I heard from the flashy male before he set me down.

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