Author's Note #1

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Hello yall! I am sorry this isn't an update, but I am here to address a couple things that have been on my mind. First of all, I would like to apologize for not updating in quite a long time. I have been really busy with school work, studying for finals, and taking them this week. However, that is no excuse. I should have let you all know in advance so I wouldn't keep you guys waiting in anticipation and so you guys are updated on how I am doing and when I will update. I'll admit, I'm  definitely not the most responsible person. In fact, my parents think quite the opposite. They believe I am irresponsible, lazy, rude, that I have anger issues, that I am a lier, someone who is selfish and ungrateful. Always "acting" depressed just for "attention and sympathy." And they're right. I might be all those things. After all they favor my twin more. Which is why I took some time off. Apart from using my time to work on my homework and studying, I was also self reflecting. I was self reflecting on how I am as a person. How I treat my siblings. How I feel. Who I am. I have come to the conclusion that I am unhappy. I'm depressed. This sounds embarrassing and cringey while typing this, but it is what I have come to realize. For years I've been like this. I just denied it and convinced myself that I was a happy kid. However, that cannot be further from the truth. I won't reveal too much about my past and what I have done to myself, but I can say for certain that I'm not okay. But when I write, draw, listen to music or other things, it helps me forget and is therapeutic in a way. It makes me happy. However, I haven't had the chance to do that due to all the school work and pressure I have from my parents which in turn caused my mental and emotional health to lower. Which is why for this reason that I will take care of myself. Or at least try my best to do so. I would like to continue writing this book and hopefully make this story grow, but to do that I must talk to you guys. Again, I am truly sorry for not updating in a while. Good news is that I have finished my finals so I will have all the time in the world to continue to write. I will try to keep you guys updated on how I am doing and will ask for your opinions on different things for this story, etc. I would like to ask though if you guys would like me to develop a schedule for me to upload new chapters. I would like to hear your opinions. Also, I will try to publish a new chapter tomorrow if possible, but if not, for sure on Saturday.. Anyways, I hope this clears up some things about why I haven't posted or been active at all on social media. With that, this is Ray, signing off.

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