Chapter 3: Friendship

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I hear the coaches whistle and everyone starts lining up. I just stand there confused for a moment, but follow their lead anyway. After the coach tells us what we will do for his next class he dismisses us and everyone quickly goes to the locker rooms to change.

I take out my clothes from my locker, but I can't shake off the feeling that someone is watching me. I turn around just to find that no one is there. 'Nothing is there.. guess I'm just paranoid,' I think to myself before quickly rushing to the showers and start undressing.

I look down at my wrists and look at my chest and stomach, seeing the large and small scars all over my body. 'I look hideous.. so many scars.. not even the wound on my cheek has healed from this morning. I was lucky enough to be able to hide it with concealer.' I let out a sigh before quickly dressing up and walking out of the showers, locking my locker after putting my PE uniform inside.

I look around the locker room to find that everyone already went home. 'Well I guess I'm alone. I just hope I can come across someone. I don't feel safe. I feel like someone is still watching me.' With that thought, I quickly grab my backpack and hurry to the gates.

As I get to the gates, I see a familiar face. 'Is that Tanjiro?' I quickly go over to him and tug on his shirt. He quickly turns around and let's out a sigh. 'I think I might have scared him accidentally.'

He then proceeds to look down at me and gives me a sweet smile. "Ah,
l/n-san your here! I was wondering if I could walk you home. It is pretty late and I don't want anything bad to happen to you," he says while scratching the back of his head, a bit embarrassed.

My heart melts hearing that. 'So he waited for me just to take me home because he was worried about me? That is way too pure for my sinning ass.' I smile sweetly at him and say, "Aw of course. That's very kind of you."

His face lights up when he hears that and takes my hand. I rightly so flinch since no one has ever done that to me unless it was to be pulled in closer to receive a harsh hit from my parents or bullies. He quickly notices me flinching and tilts his head a bit, worried since I was breathing unevenly.

"L/n-san are you okay? You seem pale and your breathing is uneven," Tanjiro says while quickly taking both of my hands and takes a knee to get a better look at my face since I was looking down.

"I-I I'm fine Tanjiro-kun just- don't worry okay." He frowns at my response and looks at me. "No. You aren't fine. Please don't lie l/n-san. Not again," Tanjiro says, worry evident in his voice.

My eyes widen. 'Again? Wait- does that mean he knew I was lying when I said that I already ate during lunch???' I speak up quietly, " H-how did you-"
"You seemed taken aback when I asked of you had eaten already during lunch. That's how I noticed." Tanjiro says, interrupting me.

He continues, "L/n-san, I get it if there are some things you don't want to tell me, we did just barely meet, but aren't we at least friends now?" My eyes widen. 'Friends...?' I look at Tanjiro, still shocked. "Y-you consider me your friend?" I ask. He gives me a gentle smile, "Of course. I'm sure the others feel that way too. You don't have to tell me anything until you're ready, but at least I know that we are friends."

I smile at him and quickly hug him. He chuckles a bit and hugs me back. It was nice. It was a nice feeling, remembering what it was like to have a friend after many years. I was a bit sad though. This wasn't going to last forever. After all, this is a dream...

We break the hug after a while and we walk to my home. It quiet. Not a word was spoken, yet we walked in comfortable silence. When we reached my house he seemed to be pretty happy. "We live quite close to each other. That's good! You can come visit my family someday," Tanjiro says with a cheery voice. I giggle a bit, "Yeah that would be very lovely."

Is this L♡VE or an OBSESSI♡N? - [MODERN AU! Yandere KNY x Reader] -Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon