Chap 1.

138 6 22

Spencer POV

"I can't decide weather or not I'm hero or a villain to my town.

Yes I've saved the once who needed saving and, yes I've killed more then once.

But truth be told I can't say it wasn't my fault, I can't blame anybody for what has happened but I can say thank you for the one who stood beside me as it happened.
I'm 17 years old, live in in a small town close to Brooklyn and have lived here my whole life.

I plan to leave after graduation knowing the people who were there are gonna be thrilled once I leave.

But I can't and least not now.

In the past year after I turned 16, things around here became dark.

Bodies started to show up in cold blood, the people of my town became scared and while that was happening the sherif was Drinking himself to death.

Literally, he dropped dead after the 5th body was found in a our local bar, he was cut open, drained of blood and his eyes were missing as well as his they say.

The students had to go to school like normal, the pre-schoolers were blind to what was going on which was good since they didn't need it.

For the rest going up to university students, well we were talking about it non stop.

At first it was fun and all that our town had some murders that the FBI and CSI could investigate.

They walked around town with cameras, my friends and I always tried to get in interview or jump in front of the camera.

We would joke about if we could guess the person who is doing all of this, because the bodies were found the same.

I never imagined I'd be the one in the middle of the Killer and the Man who tired to saved the town.

I should go to prison for what I've done, but instead I get a pass...but what good is it when you're not wanted.

When your father is the new Sherif, your mother is dead and your brothers ignore you like you're a wall that has a whole in to and cant be fixed.

It's funny how 'friends' ignore you when you so much as breath the wrong way.

They can ignore me, I don't care because I'm used it anyways I'm invisible.

And before all this happened it sucked being ignored by the person who's attention I wanted most in this world.

It didn't matter to them that I was popular to say the least, it didn't matter that I was a football player, and it didn't matter when I saved the school from burning down to ashes.

It was all not enough, until IT happened.

You might now think, why not just leave town when it was unsafe?...
how could your school burn down?..and why would the the towns people still stay?

Those are very good questions but you can't just listen closely to understand, cause you never will.

My pain isn't for your amusement, my story isn't there for you tell the world...its there for you to know how and why this happened..."

"I feel like your enjoying sitting here Mr Keegan" the man in the uniform said, he clasped his hands together and leaned forward over the desk that kept him and me apart.

"Well I have been here before Mr Kingston" I said, while leaning back and putting my feet up on the desk. He immediately shoved them of making my chair wobble a bit before it hit the ground.

"You are sitting here in custody, and this time we won't let you of that easy. Spence your not sixteen anymore"

"Wow, your so professional...Spence very original" I told him sarcastically leaning back again and avoiding putting my feet on the desk again.

"Mr Kingston...will you be alright we just got a 911 call" an officer who was in the room with us said.

He nodded and let the officer go without a word.

"Look kid, we...I mean I know you know more than you let on"

"Kid...I got an idea, why don't you tell me your name and I'll tell you what I know and think" Mr Kingston hesitated for a moment before speaking up again.

"My name is Hugh Kingston" he folded his arms around his chest and looked at me sternly.


"Well...tell me"

"Tell you what?"

"What you think..."

"Gee, I think your parents certainly have a weird sense of humour" I gave him a cheeky smile as he slammed his head against the desk.

"I wasn't talking about my name, I was referring to in what do you think about telling me your side of the story"

"Oh...why didn't you say so in the first place"

"I'm wasting my time being here" he said while sitting up right and looking at me again.

"Ok I said you might not like what I am about to tell you..." he shrugged and made himself comfortable on the not so comfortable chair.

"Was your mother one of them who got murdered?" Mr Kingston/ Hugh asked after I was silent for a moment.

"No, suicide" I replied sarcastically. I looked down and I felt like all my confidence was washed away by my mothers blood.

Well the blood did wash away the drawing I drew on the porch when I was 10...

"Sorry it's hard to talk about..." I apologized, Hugh's expression softened and he nodded.

"Take your time..."

I knew that when I start any details that I keep to myself could send me to jail, and it will be worse in there, manly because I wouldn't be able to see my best friend...the thought made my blood boil and forced me too look at Hugh.

"Let me start the day after I turned 16...

Hope you guys like this story better then the other once...I actually like this one better then the sappy romance, high school no drama books I wrote

Haha, hope you stick around for more...

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