Chap 5

43 5 1

Darrel POV

"But I did" my words were short but it was big and hard to say.

Lillian looked at me confused she cocked her head to the side and looked at me with those big brown eyes.

"What do you mean, you did" she repeated, her bow that she was holding on to that sat on her lap was now on the ground? The sack where all her arrows were held together were standing upright beside the bench.

She was waiting for an explanation but even if I did give her one she would realize the mistake I did.

The mistake that left 15 people dead in this town.

I remember when I first got here, the impression I had to make on the teachers and towns people.

I started to play guitar again, it was like me shooting those arrows in a tree

It was like riding a bike, once you ride you'll never forgot how too in the future.

It gave me joy as I forgot the pain...And the reason why I was here in the first place.

I entered the town at midnight. It was quiet and warm, cars stood still and the doors where locked tight.

The town was surrounded by trees, but the further you got into it and away from the 2 story buildings you could see the farms and farm houses as well as old painted red barns.

It was nothing like Mexico, it was small and humble everything I'm looking for in a place to live.

The hooded person was right, I did want to escape Mexico but didn't because of my dad.

My dad what had happened to him is unforgettable, I have to find out what happened and why he was targeted.

It was my main goal, but the hooded freak is playing a game and dangerous one at that. A game I have to win.


"When I came here I had my target set, get my dads killer and find out who the Serpent Shadow's his nickname, don't ask..." 

"I wont" Lillian reassured, my eyes wondered the streets of the small town, and suddenly my eyes landed on something I thought id never see again. There he stood in his silver hood and black mask. 

He was hiding behind the station building starring at me, I looked away fast and turned my attention back to Lillian who stood up and picked up her thinks from the ground.

"Where are you heading off too" I quizzed, she sighed and looked around just like I was a few minutes ago? "I have to go before my dad looks for me" She told me, I nodded in agreement not saying another word. 

She grabbed her things and wondered of. Why would she lie? 

I asked myself once I was completely alone. 


I was at the school. A little high school that was in town but further away from the main street. I had all ready signed up and everything and my schedule was held tight in the palm of my hands. 

The hallway was empty when I reached my lockers, I put in the combination though I wont lie I did struggle a bit. I too out a picture of my dad and I out of my back pack and hung it up on the door of the locker. It was there to remind me why I was here.

"Don't get your hopes up Darrel" A voice said, I was so shocked I almost jumped out of my skin. 

It was him, the man.

I was angry at this person and asked out of term "What's your name" 

He laughed a little before going back to the mystery man I didn't know he was. 

"Call me the S&S" he told me. Even though I couldn't see it I could feel his smirk under that dumb hood of his. 

"What's that stand for The Stalker and Psycho" I remarked, scoffing and turning my head? "Psycho starts with a 'P' He mused, obviously enjoying this. 

"Then what does The S&S stand for then" 

"Im the Serpent Shadow, and I'm here for one purpose and one purpose only..."

He turned away from me and walked away "Wait you didn't tell what it is" 

He stopped but didn't turn around "To find my twin brother...he is known as Hell on Earth

And with that he vanished into the darkness of the hallway. Twin brother? 

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