Chap 7

40 5 12

Spencer's POV


Me and Darrel walked inside my house that was empty. My dad wasn't home and he wouldn't be back till later but my mom is always home especially in this hour and time of day.

We walked into the kitchen, the back of the field and the barn. We double checked the house and found nothing.

"What's that smell" Darrel spun around and looked all over the house but I couldn't smell nothing.

"Darrel what smell"

"In the last years I've learned to smell things humans don't smell often like Blood and other things we come into contact with...this smells like blood"

My entire face drained of blood and I felt like fainting, luckily Darrel was there to catch me before I hit the ground.

"Hey watch out sit down" he gently laid me down on the couch and then walked away.

Probably to find where the smell was coming from.

"Oh no" I heard Darrel say, the house wasn't that big so I could hear everything even when you would be in the other room.

I immediately stood up and walked towards were Darrel stood. He was in my parents bedroom looking inside my moms closet and I knew what he was looking at.

I could smell death.



"Why do you always do that" my father yelled as we drove away from the station.

I was currently sitting in our truck with my dad who was driving like we were driving away form Satin. which we are.

"Do what, space out"

"Yes" was all that he said before switching on the radio and staying quiet.

I wanted to text Darrel and tell him what's going on but something's telling me he has his own problems right now.

I feel bad for leaving him like that after all he is mine and I'm his but we both come with a lot of baggage.

For example we are both killers...I'm wanted for murder...well I am now since I escaped custody and we have an enemy who has yet to be found and killed, two enemy's to be exact.

The killer and the leader.

"Dad I have to tell you something"

My father turned down the radio and motioned me to go on. I breathed silently and spoke up.

"It's about uncle Cain..." my dad stopped me and turned his head towards me.

"I don't want to hear it"

"You don't know what I was going to say"

My dad went back to looking at the road and nodded, singling me I could talk again.

"Last year Darrel and I ran into him, after I killed the officer...Pat.

He was at the house that day, though we didn't notice until you and Sam had left to take moms body to the morgue.

He stepped out of the storage room covered in blood and said he didn't mean too.

Then he looked at us and said if we ever tell anyone he would kill us.

I knew your two had a bad history so I left it out, I remembered that you said he was dangerous, that's the only reason I left today.

Her properly heard I was gonna tell the story of last year"

By now I had tears running down my face and I could see my dad had tears in his eyes as well.

Good to know he wasn't made out of stone...

My dad looked at me as I locked at the road and out of nowhere a car spun into our lane.

"Dad watch out"

To late we collided with the car and no one knows who the driver was.

Because there wasn't one in the car.


Hope you liked this chapter little short but next time it will be longer.

Please comment and vote.

I will follow the dirt person who does and if I'm already following you hope I get to see you in the next chapter.

Peace out.

Next time on "Id give my life"

"Dad where are we"

It's dark it's cold. I remember the car crash but that's not where we are.

That not where I am.


A noise. Someone's walking down the stairs.


"Your dads not here..."

"Where is he, who are you"

The man is coming closer he is cloaked like the Serpent Shadow but that's not his voice.

"He's dead"

As just when I thought couldn't get any paler or weaker I just did.

"Who are you"

I found myself asking again.

"I'm known as the S and S's twin brother...

But you can call me...

*knock *knock

"See you soon, my prisoner

Ok as if being in a donjon isn't creepy enough.

I'd give my life BoyxBoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora