Chap 9

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"Give a message to Darrel for me would you"

Rick demanded as he unchained me form the hanging bed, as I call it.

"And that would be..."

He let my arm go and I fell with a thud on the cold hard floor.

He yanked me back up and I had no choice but to follow him out.

I have been in this dump for about a week.

I know because yesterday Rick came in with a newspaper telling me what day it was...but that's not why he showed me it.

The headline of the newspaper read

"Sherif in hospital after car crash...Spencer Keegan MIA"

Longest headline ever but hey I made the front page...2 time this month.


I wanted to see my brothers so bad and tell them I was sorry, though they won't believe me.

I wanted to see Darrel and tell him about my horrible not so good day.

But I first have to get out of here.

"Darrel would know what I mean"

Is all Rick said before throwing me out of the door.

I was suddenly hit by a string light, a wave of heat and the smell of corn.

I was outside and abandoned wear house...a freaking wear house that is abandoned.

How no one bothered to look for me in here is beyond me, but hey at least I'm free.

I started running in the direction of my farm and if my calculations are right I'm about 10 min away.

Sure enough I reached my farm just in time to see my older brother enter the house with a not so familiar guy.

He looked my age, what is my brother doing with a kid about ten years younger.

I entered the front door of my house.

I was sweating, I was out of breath and I was panting hard.

I would die for some lemonade right now or something decent to eat anything would help.

A cold shower sounds like a good idea too. I hate the sun.

"Sam check who is at the door please" I heard my oldest brother say.

And not a second after I saw my brother stroll out of the kitchen with a smile that flattered as he laid eyes on me.


I gave him a shy smile and looked down not sure what to say.

"James come out here for a sec" Sam called out.

The blood drained from my face as he and another guy came into the foyer.


My brother rushed to me and gave me a hug.

At first I didn't move but I missed him so much that I through my arms around him and hugged him tight.

"Where were you" he let go of me and looked at me worriedly.

"Believe it or not I got kidnapped"

Both Sam and James looked shocked as I answered.

It was vague but it was good enough they didn't need to know more.

The guy who was with James didn't look stunned, he glanced over to me and smirked in my direction.

Not creepy.

"Who is that" I asked James pointing to his friend.

"Oh that is..."


Ok that's it I'm changing my name, ladies and gentlemen my name has been officially over used.

I turned around to find Darrel standing at the door.

He had a smile and just like my brother rushed over to me and gave me a bear hug.

"God I missed you"

"Don't ask what happens I'll tell you later"

I whispered in his ear before letting go.

"Is dad okay" I asked, they nodded and simply just said...

"He is doing better then the last sheriff"

The other guy who I hade totally forgotten was there came over and turned to look at James.

"We still have to get that thing ready"

He then glanced at me still smirking, his eyes looked silver and for a second he looked so familiar.

"Oh right...Spencer this is Andrew we are in cooking class together"

"Cooking class"

Both Darrel and me questioned.

This guy seemed to off to be in cooking class.

Sam was long gone after Andrew and my brother left for the kitchen, by me and Darrel started in the foyer.

"So what happened"

"A guy named Rick kidnapped me, he is the brother of the serpent shadow and has a message for you"

I told him.

Darrel paled as I told him this, not sure why though.

"What was the message" He asked.

I shrugged and he looked at me in disbelieve.

"What you mean"

"He said that you'll understand"

I said.

He looked scared and for the first time since we met I didn't know what was going on.


He looked at me then I saw his hand turn into a fist.

"He is the guy who killed my Dad...he is known as HELL ON EARTH"

Realization kicked in and I knew were where in for a surprise.


Okay so I'm almost more chapter before the second book.

Which is called

I'm no superman but I can save your life...

You will find the first chapter next week hopefully...

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