A plant-like friend

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A plant-like friend
*dark choco pov*

Written by beelzebub_the_lll

At first opening my eyes to the world would've been a pain simply to see that this dull world has woken me again. To suffer and soak in my own mistakes that had led up to this painful life... but now I feel like there was something to look forward to in my now dark days...

I sit up from my bed rubbing my half lidded eyes slowly as I get out of my bed slowly touching my hair feeling the flowers in my hair slowly plucking them out. Twisting them slowly between my fingers I place them on my nightstand but keep one to put in my pocket.

I look at the vase moving closer to it, reaching out to grab it with both hands.. 'I don't have a single clue how to take care of these types of flowers....i know a guy who can help...he will help.. if he wants to live'

I snicker at my thoughts as I walk out of my room, my hair still braided, still left with flowers in them, my sword.... My sword won't leave me even if I put it down...

I look down at my hip frowning seeing my sword on my hip sighing as i shake my head out of my room down the corridors of the dark enchantress cookie estate silent until the sound of a familiar distant voice is approaching

Pomegranate cookie...

"Hello dark choco, a pleasure to see you this morning..." she paused for a second surprised to see my appearance as well as the vase in my hand "And with a new look...as well as a flower companion " i nodded silently

"Are you a gardener now?" She asked, trying to figure out the reason for the flowered vase "it was gifted to me..." "by who?" She asked her tone curious

I was never the one to accept gifts let alone anything from anyone of course it would peak her interest she's never even seen me like this..."licorice cookie..." i said as she raised before lifting her kagura suzu shaking it with a smile before walking away as i start to see images

It's her magic....she's helping me?

The images of an familiar cookie comes to mind leafy hair and a tiny succulent in his hands as he smiles handing it to a random cookie before the pathway to his location appears in my head

'Thanks...' i thought 'Your welcome dark choco' pomegranate's voice rang back as i only nodded then

I guess that's where I'm going now....

I closed my eyes not opening them once as I slowly walked to the location I was given by pomegranate. Birds chirp as i walked leaves crunching under my feet as i walked subconsciously

I could tell I'm in a very calm place and not in jelly worm forest or cake grunt woods where monsters are left and right seeking your red jelly blood... luckily I'm in a safe place. I wouldn't want to fight and break my vase with the flower...

I smiled slightly thinking back to the time when licorice braided my hair...

His hands were smooth and soft, sometimes fingers gently brushing against my cheek or my skin as he weaved the flowers into my braided hair... it felt so odd being treated as if im like him...

A cookie just like him...that's how he treated me...

I could feel the jelly rush to my cheeks as my body stopped making me shift back to reality, shaking my head as I saw a nice little store with smiling lollipop flowers and hardened sugar daisies.

I walked closer pushing the door open with my shoulder as I watched the leaf haired cookie turn my way at first smiling before seeming shocked seeing my face "Dark choco?!" "Yes it is me..."

"Why are you here?!" He asked, clutching his potted plants with his hands "this.." i said blushing as i showed him my potted moonflower as he gasped his scared look disappeared as he smiled brightening up

"It's an Ipomoea alba! Those aren't even seen in places like this where did you get it?" He asked happily "what's that word you said?" I asked "Ipomoea alba?" He said confused giggling when i nodded

"That's the scientific name of the moon flower! Blooming at night it's usually 3 feet in height even if it can cause confusion and hallucinations!" He said brightly the words he was saying a lot. I wanted to know how to take care of it...

"So how do I take care of it?" I asked and he laughed before saying "it's simple just keep it in warm places with a lot of sunlight and water it weekly and it will become a beauty!" He exclaimed as I nodded "oh and do you have any more of those flowers?"

"There's a lot in a field far from here that I can't speak of but I have this..." i say digging in my pocket before taking out a moon flower with seeds laying in the middle

"So many seeds, thank you so much!" He said taking the flower and seeds and disappearing into the back room behind his counter before returning with a book, a watering can and a bag of fertilizer.

"Take this as a thank you, please take care of it for me!" He chimes as i put down the potted plant on the table to grab the three things stacked high on each other and the leaf headed man puts the flower on top.

"Have a great day thank you!.. oh! You don't know my name do you?" He said after his long pause and i shake my head

"Well I'm Herb Cookie, the owner of this flower shop!" He exclaimed, waving as I left "well goodbye herb, I shall see you if I am in need of plant assistance..." i said leaving out of the store the sound of the door bell ringing as i opened the door with my shoulder to leave

Two familiar faces awaited me at the exit as soon as i got out and i lightly smiled seeing the dark necromancer flowers still in his hair as his poison filled friend held his robe

"Heeeeey dark choocooo! Mee and licoriice cookie wondereed where yoou wheere so pomegranate seent us here!" Poison mushroom said in his usual slurred voice as licorice cookie had his usual smirk

"Looks like you need help with that stuff, want me to carry some?" Licorice asked as poison mushroom begged to help to

So i held the fertilizer bag, licorice had the books tucked in his pocket with my potted plant in both of his arms and poison mushroom cookie triumphantly carried the watering can all the way back to the dark enchantress cookie estate.

Small talk was exchanged but poison mushroom talked the most about how he colored pictures of pomegranate ,me ,them and licorice in a big happy photo even if it wasn't happy he surely was...

We made our way back before dark and they helped take my stuff to my room and licorice left to go to his room giving a good night to me and poison mushroom cookie and we did the same.

Poison mushroom cookie didn't leave my room...

"Dark chooco?" They asked looking up at me with their derpy eyes "yes poison mushroom?..." i said as they sat down on by bed

"Yoou like thaat flower?" They asked and I nodded as they giggled "i dooo to! I'm seeing so many colors right now I feel like I'm in a coloring page!"

"Wait, you can't inhale that stuff!" 'They must've sniffed it while nobody was looking!' I pick up poison mushroom cookie rushing them to their room to lay them down before they go do something that might kill up all

"Good niiight dark choooco!"They said giggling as I said goodnight to them as well "see you tomorrow!" They said before drifting to sleep

I soon returned to my room before working on my plant, adding a bit of fertilizer and watering the plant, grabbing my book and reading it until the heaviness of my eyes forced me to sleep...

Thank you herb...

A plant-like friend

The Flower field of moon flower (dark choco x licorice)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat