Chocolate,chocolate, plant?...

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Chocolate,chocolate, plant?...

Written by beelzebub_the_lll

*Dark Choco*

I trudged down a well known pathway down to herb cookie's shop with my vase in hand that holds a moon flower. I've been taking good care of it for the past two weeks but I still need to ensure its survival, especially knowing winter is approaching.

I walk down the path until i see the familiar shop with flowers that littered every corner of his shop i walk closer opening the door knocking as i enter seeing herb cookie and  an unknown cookie

He smelt like peppermint but less strong yet it still gave a feeling to the back of my throat.Another scent came to my nose that mellowed the feeling of my throat almost like the same chocolate i had been born of but lighter.

His hair was a swirl of light green and white and the tail of his coat let me know he probably is wearing a suit as well and he seemed to be holding a violin in hand.

"Hello dark choco!" Herb said in a welcoming tone as the other cookie turned around quickly, his brown face going from confusion to horror. "Herb that dark choco the dark choco he's dangerous!" The cookie said shaking herb by the shoulders as herb only laughed.

"Mint hold on he isn't that bad!" Herb said as the other cookie looked at him confused before looking back at me then herb again "he looks bad" "well he's not he's very nice! He gave me the moon flower I needed for my collection!" Herb said, smiling at me as the other cookies turned around with a skeptical look.

The other cookie cleared his throat before bowing. "I'm terribly sorry that I overreacted.." he said shamefully and I shook my head."no worries... i know you'd be scared of me" id closed my eyes sighing as I saw him look at herb worried and sorry face as he'd apologize more and more.

I only reassured him of his actions knowing most of everyone does it. It's no different from any other reactions I get sadly enough I'm used to it.

"I'm mint choco cookie, a performer and a well known violin player!" He says with pride as I open my mouth to introduce myself "I am dark choco cookie...A fallen hero".

"Fallen?" "Yes but that doesn't matter at this moment " I say , turning to herb as I take the vase from under my cloak revealing the beautiful moon flower and its petals closed back into a bud form.

"I see you've been taking care of it! Its stem has gotten longer and its leaves are lush!" Herb cheered examining the flower as mint choco stared in awe ."But showing the flower is not why I came here" I say as I place the vase on the counter.

"What will I do when winter is here? The petals on the flower will surely wither and the plant will die" I lowered my head with more of a frown that I've already had. "Dark choco all plants do that when winter comes! But even if it's a natural cycle keeping it in warm places! Like a greenhouse!"  Herb exclaimed.

"It keeps the sun in and cold out heating the plants! Too bad i dont have one i don't want to watch my plants wither..." herb says his bright attitude toning down. "Then why not make one?" I ask as mint choco speaks "if we wanted to we would need glass and wood..." his voice silent as if in deep thought.

"I can easily get wood.." I said, grabbing my sword, "don't you need an axe?" Mint said and I shook my head " this blade can cut down any cookie and anything..." onsay as herb frowns "but the poor trees.." he utters lowering his head

"Then just heal the trees it's as easy as that"  mint choco said as i nodded hard nodding as well

"But how will we get glass?" Herd asked as he went from behind his counter as he held his potted plant as I grabbed mines putting it in the pocket of my cloak. We stepped outside as mint choco spoke "i know a woman who can bold glass and metal like bubblegum and craft faster than sugar gnomes!" "Oh really?" I asked, raising my eyebrow as I pulled my sword out. "Yeah and her name is avocado cookie shes really

"Stand back please better yat all the way back to the front of the shop they only nodded going to the shop as i stepped in front of the forest holding both my hands on the grip of the sword

'The feeling of pure darkness rushed through this sword and though me its powers are mine as I bring it to its full potential yet I wish it wasn't like this'

'The darkness only consumes the ones with no light yet I've merged with the darkness chasing the light that blinds me only to put it out to its pitiful demise...'

I didn't even feel myself move yet hundreds of thousands of trees had fallen down a clean cut and not a single bump or sign of any struggle cutting it. the two cookies staring in awe as herb gets to work healing the trees as me and mind choco carried the logs.

He has a small build but can carry a few long for a cookie that doesn't look very muscular then again he isn't hauling 7 at once. The job was done by sunset. We started on the base of the greenhouse leaving that to herb as me and mint followed his instructions carefully getting a secure base down.

"The night is close to consuming the short day..." I look up at the sky seeing the moon peek its head up from the horizon as the sun runs to the other side to make another day...

We went inside and i grabbed my vase and holding it my sword on my hip as mint and herb made small talk with me before saying their goodbyes both smiling as they waved at me as i stepped outside

"...farewell...friends?" I hesitated to say friends then again these are people who will soon perish to this sword...even if it's not me controlling it. It controls body and actions are no longer mine when this sword wants the red jam of cookies on it.

'I wish my father knew that....'

My thoughts were stripped away from me as I heard herb laugh as he said "farewell friend!" And mint did the same; they both giggled as I let out a sigh, a smile tugging at my lips as I walked away. My back turned away as the laughs became less distinct and then they were gone.


The night consumed my line of light as I still wandered on the path, my vase staying in my hands as I refused to put my flower away. walking down the same path yet if felt different everything is different in the dark.

"Dark choco!....Dark choco!..."  I thought I heard something call me... it's probably just my mind playing games on me it's just my head. I kept going until a small slight in the dark appeared as the voice got louder and more distinct.

"Dark choco is that you!?" The voice said the light moved faster as the voice grew more familiar to me.

"Hello licorice" I said as licorice huffed out of breath as the lanter he held was one that illuminated a beautiful blue light blue as he looked up, greeting me back "why did you come out just to find me?.." i asked as he quickly spoke

"Pomegranate's orders are one I must follow and if it's 'go find that dark knuckle head' then I gotta find that dark knuckle head" he said sarcastically as I opened my mouth to speak.

"Dark knuckle head?" I say touching my head with one hand as my other hand stays holding the vase. Licorice laughed lightly before rolling his eyes "lets go before pomegranate makes poison mushroom cookie come out here just to find us"

I nodded and we started our way to the dark enchantress estate there was small talk of. "Where were you?" Or "all that for a flower?". "Yes all this for a flower " I said lightly hugging the vase as we walked the blue flames guiding our eyes.

We soon made it to the dark enchantress, the two of us saying our good nights and goodbyes before parting ways to head to our rooms. I walked down long corridors filled with the smell of the dark wafer walls as I approached my door opening it.

I entered my room placing the vase down on the nightstand close to my bed and i lay down facing the flower as my eyes grew heavy staring at it...'all for a flower...yes all for this flower...'


The end of the chapter and dark choco meets mint choco so choco's unite! And avocado is spoken of briefly. I didn't know how fun it was to write these until now.

Thank you for reading bye!

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