Mirror,mirror in my hand

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Mirror, mirror in my hand

Made by beelzebub_the_lll

(A/N while creating this chapter i went in depth with it learning something new about pomegranate and now ill tell you. Pomegranate carys around a mirror and a kagura suzu/ Ka Gur a su zu / it has twelve bells and consists of three tiers 2 at the top, four in the middle and six at the bottom. The bells are suspended by coil brass wires from the handle. The shape of the bells are said to resemble the fruits of the ogatama tree.
Also it was used for ceremonial dances.

Pomegranate cookie is heavily based on miko, a type of Japanese shrine maiden or priestess. The bells she carries are kagura suzu, a tool closely associated with miko.)

*pomegranate pov*

I got up from my well made bed designed to my liking the patterns of pink, red , and the diamond shaped mixing as i got up. I looked into my mirror seeing my buns slightly undone.

I raise my mirror along with my kagura suzu, the bells on it jingling as I move it  feeling the pomegranate seeds in my hair move with my crimson strands forming a bun as the pomegranate seeds hold it tightly in place.

I lowered my mirror walking out of my room as I looked around my pink and crimson hallways, diamond shaped patterns covered the walls as they passed me by one by one.' Lately the cookies have been all over the place which i'm not worried about yet it irks me at the thought".

'The contact with other cookies may lead to their curse fading which I cannot have at any time... the curse locks them in holding their identities as a member as a cookie of darkness... if that will...the urge to follow dark enchantress cookie's commands falters and fades... I will have to take action...'

'Maybe i should call a meeting... or maybe tell poison mushroom cookie to investigate this mess so i can make sure nothing escalates further than i allow it. The appearance of dark choco is changing which is slightly alarming. It's a sign of the curse losing effect even if permanent changes in thought and behavior fade it....'

'Almost like a sweater....'

I raise a kagura suzu and my mirror shakes the bell covered tool as I look into my mirror seeing the past...


The pomegranate forest was always filled with pomegranate cake hounds and doughy creatures made from wood from this forest,pomegranates, and cookie dough truly monstrous; the dark sorcerers would use their magic for the torment of us cookies. I could only stare at the mangled body of another pomegranate hound.

The smell of its foul jelly blood disgusted me yet there was nothing I could do about it. All I could do was walk away knowing I had won a dangerous battle for my life.

It's been weeks of fighting cakehounds and monsters and my mirror is starting to reflect a dark cookie that only repeats the words join me. This might be my only destiny and I've realized it's the only one for me.

Even if I fought back,threw my mirror, and ran, I knew it would not affect the truth it shall happen...

The mirror in my hand only and always shows the truth,memories and allows hallucinations to be in the mind, visions,knowledge, and lastly the future. And mines....

Was bound with dark enchantress cookie.....

Even if i didn't want it... but in the vision we spoke and she... told me if i join her my sisters can stay safe... even if we are far apart now at least they aren't crumbled like

*end of flashback*

I giggle lightly at the memory of my first encounter with dark enchantress cookie yet it stopped thinking of my sisters. I know I didn't need to be cursed or manipulated. I knew my fate and I embraced it with open arms hopefully...

the others are only transformed by the darkness that was left in their hearts and it allows all the awful memories,feelings,and thoughts stay forever driving to be a member of the cookie of darkness...

'If something were to mentally help then heal the mind,heart, and soul it is highly possible that they will return to their original state yet no scars will heal and the memories of dark enchantress stays but no longer forcing control on them.'

I have to keep them in a trumatic state by reminding them of the things that hurt them... I must... for my sisters...


"Dark enchantress!" I yelled at her as she held my two priest sisters by their throats effortlessly.they were already sick and and helpless in her merciless grasp they made them writhe in pain. "Please stop!" I yell and my voice breaks as I lose composure, as the dark woman chuckled.

"I spoke to you briefly through your beautiful mirror, my dear pomegranate cookie and I must say your sisters are worse than I thought... they're sick and ill with no escape from the endeavors they feel...yet i have a cure..." the woman purred out as i opened my eyes wide showing interest in her last words.

"Yes, yes a cure i say a curse! There is one I hold so save them both with a condition that you come with me and complete the tasks I give you..."

"Yes yes, anything to save them! Please!" I cried out feeling my warm pomegranate jelly tears rush down my eyes as I fell to my knees begging as she only laughed more. "I shall heal them now..."

She let them go as they slowly fell to the ground before she started to hover her hands over them. Light green spores falling from her hands as they slowly open my two sisters slowly open their eyes.

"Sister!" I yelled as I ran to them kneeling to hug them as they hugged me back as we cried together. "I'm sorry sisters... but the only reason you awakened was because of my darkest deal... just for you..." i say sniffling as i slowly sniffle

"W-what? What do you mean..." my first sister said as the other nodded with their question "i gave my loyalty to dark enchantress simply for you to be able to live without sickness...

I say as I get up leaving them on the floor hugging and crying as pomegranate jelly tears still run down my eyes as I stood beside dark enchantress cookie and she grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry I had to do it..."

At that moment I felt darkness in my heart not from my dark extract or my lack of emotions but it felt like I was being consumed by something that made me so loyal to the woman who forced me to join her.... It was worth it even if my freedom is now limited..

I felt darkness consume me and I tried to fight it but maybe it was a curse... maybe it's just forcing me to do this... please great witches if you hear me please save me!....

*end of flashback*

Maybe I am cursed.. not like I need to care... As long as my sisters safety is ensured I'm content with my foul and cruel actions... all i know is if my sisters were never sick... I would have never been here.


Hey it's beezle coming with a new chapter packed with cool stuff and I hope it was good! Anyway this is basically turning into cookies of darkness are set free / stop being dark type stuff. Maybe I'll switch it up but as far as it goes now that's what is is.

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