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Made by beezlebub_the_lll

*licorice cookie's pov*

~diary entry 6026~

This feeling is like an inferno that burns the insides of my body built up from a small flame easily ignored and brushed passed with no issue is now a tedious task.

Almost like trying to walk around a burning forest to the lush fields that awaited past the fires that you set within me so carelessly. For no reason you light your matches and throw them around burning me with this feeling...

You light your match and warm my face, you light another and my heart just pounds, another and my body heats up and again then suddenly I'm burning up.

Once again you made me burn up inside and set me ablaze suddenly you just lit me a flame! My heart was like dry fire-wood drab and boring but when you set me ablaze you show me the colorful world!

Your fire spreads and I love it when you light my heart to nothing by burning and alive, taking my world away and replacing it with you...

Even if I'm burning with this unknown feeling, I'm in love with it...

Because it's you... And my burning love for you...

~end of diary entry~

My body would lay on my stomach as my legs would sway behind me as I scribbled in my diary again the feeling that lay within me expressed onto the paper and concealed in one of my many, many diarys.

Today wasn't very busy so everyone would be doing their own thing, minding their own business as usual when a dark enchantress isn't giving us various orders that takes up all of our free time.

One time she worked us so hard we had cracks in our dough and needed dark choco to aid us for a day or two.

Dar enchantress's work is undeniably harsh on everybody so it makes sense that everyone is now in their rooms doing personal prep and self care. If not doing that, it's resting for the next big mission.

Adding onto my unwanted rambling- "licorice cookiee..." a wavered voice interrupted me making me lift my head to see poison mushroom and they don't seem their usual self i could certainly say the same.

"Yes, poison mushroom cookie?" I say getting up and sitting myself up only for them to climb up onto the bed  sitting besides me watching as their doughy hands fiddle and fidget as their head would hang down.

On odd occasions poison mushroom cookie would have had nightmares presumably their past haunting them now. Every time they tell me about what they had seen and experienced it only makes my stomach churn in fear and disgust.

Every nightmare was only about being tortured and eaten and many brutally different ways. It's unexplainable why it's only about being eaten but no matter how many times the story is told it always has the same ending...

Being eaten alive...

"I had another nightmare..." I sigh "Was it 'the eating' again?" They would lift their head "noo... not this time... it was different than the others but it was scary to me..."

It was noticeable that poison mushroom speak more clearly after a nightmare which has been happening often ever since winter had arrived. I Would try to think about its development in the mind but maybe they're so scared that they do it out of an instinct?...

"What was it about?" I ask tilting my head as they shrink putting their knees to their chest as their voice trembles speaking softly

" it was about you... you had locked your room door and never came out... you wouldn't let anybody in... not even  pomegranate cookie!... the only time you did was to wreak utter havoc onto the land!... first was herb's shop, then mint choco's play, avocado cookie's blacksmith!.... When it started was when dark choco left to have a better life with them"

The Flower field of moon flower (dark choco x licorice)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora