Mushy mushroom hideout

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*Licorice pov*

Written by beelzebub_the_lll

I carried a bag full of the dark choco figurines I made for the fifth time today. This is almost repulsive.This is the first time my magic has disobeyed my own command but now that I'm discarding these wretched things I'll be able to think clearly.

As I throw the figurines away I hear a very familiar voice come near as I know it's poison mushroom cookie probably coming near to irk me about something or ask me questions.

"Heeey licorice!" The young poisonous mushroom said "hello poison mushroom" i say cracking a smile as they smile back before they speak once more "licorice i wanna show you somethiing!" They say excitedly

"What is it?" I asked curious as they grabbed the sleeve of my robe and dashed dragging me along with them. "Slow down!" I said out but they didn't listen as I heard them muttering about something I couldn't even understand.

They Just dragged me with no problem as if i was a feather to the smaller cookie as we went through the jelly worm forest with no problem.

And then suddenly we came to a stop making me stumble before I sigh looking down at poison mushroom who were smiling pointing at something. I looked up seeing a big tree with a house on top that had seemed to be old but used.

"Why are you showing me this? It's just an old tree house ''I asked and poison mushroom giggled before dragging me up steps to the house and showing me the inside of the jank tree house

Pictures of poison mushroom cookie,me,dark choco and pomegranate cookie littered the walls most of all drawn in crayons. The place had a bed,dresser,cabinets almost as if somebody loved here.

Poison mushroom cookie made there way to the to the old bed rummaging under it

"So what about it?" I asked and they grabbed a black chest that had been opened "what in there?" I asked as they only opened it before speaking "memories...."

The way that poison mushroom said it was almost unsettling. I've never heard them speak so clearly and distinctly but they seemed put into a trance just seeing it.

"Is there something important about the memories?" I was curious about what poison mushroom were thinking. "Yeah... they are important..." they said out opening it as they grabbed a few pictures of them before they truly became the cookie of darkness they are today.

They didn't have their robe but they had bell bottom pants and a very old styled shirt with frills at ends of the shoulders and sleeves with mushrooms growing from all sides of them.

"You look a whoole lot different from now..." i said as poison mushroom only nodded

"I feel like i was different then... but i wanted to show you this because if poison mushroom see memories soo should licorice!" Their voice went from a normal cookie voice back to their derpy slurred

'But I know those words they always says before using their spores to show me weird spore stuff or brainwash me!' I took action running through the door as poison mushroom only followed.

Poison mushroom whined not being able to show me their weird spore ways like the last time they showed me how they were born.weird...

"We're far from home licorice..." poison mushroom said, yawning, "and I'm tired from the first run...." "Its your fault for trying to show me more weird memories you have!" I say back as they only hug onto me.

"Poison mushroom cookie only wants to show you what i've seen..." they said in a saddened voice as i sigh crouching down "fine..." "Yaaaay!" They said before dragging me back up the stairs. Back to the tree house and shut the door.

I slowly watched purple spore gas fill the room before passing out...

Poison mushroom always were able to control spores beyond any type of mushroom I've seen even the weirdest or world wide mushroom couldn't compare. Their ability to get into your brain and either attach the spores to your brain and control it or decay it.people were scared but the cookies of darkness wasn't

They could hear the voices of the spores speak to them and they always talked back which made them look crazy in front of people or anybody but the cookies of darkness understood

The cookies that were dark had the home of the dark. The one who were forced into the dark had a home here

My memories of red licorice are no more...who I used to be is no more...the academy...the's all a blur now...then it's gone....

I suddenly away my head foggy but slowly clearing as i see poison mushroom cookie in front of me smiling

"What did you do to my memories...?" I asked confused and hazed "they're in the spores now!"

"My memories are yours and yours are miine!....even if i didn't get the one i wanted" they whispered the last part "huh what?" "Nothing! Lets go hooome!" Poison mushroom cookie said and i only nodded following behind

Slowly we made our way back to the dark enchantress manor and the rest of the evening was spent on nothing but magic .trying to correct my reincarnation and reserecting spells. they got better but a single thought of that dreaded man would ruin it all for me.

A few long hours later at the depth of night a knock at my door interrupted me and my work making me moving from my work space to the door slowly.

"Who is it i dont have all night!" "Its me..." the familiar voice of a all to familiar man said "oh its you dark choco" i signed out opening the door slowly to reveal the tall burly man holding onto his vase as he aske to come in

I nodded moving out the way to let him waltz his way in as he stood infront of me everting eye contact as i open my mouth to speak. "so... why did you show up?" I asked and he lifted his hands from his cloak to reveal the flower.

It had bloomed again larger and more shiny almost as if it had its own light "it grew" he said his vaice was monotone but he didnt sound as if his work was crashing down"it looks beautiful " i say brushing the flower softly dark choco lightly smiled in the corner of my eye

He took alot of pride in that flowernim proud of him for it.


Heyo its the author and if this chapter was confusing ill just explain it. Poison mushroom cookie walks up with the intention of getting into licorice's mind so thir thought process is 'maybe if i show them memories they will show theirs' so going to his memory palace (tree house that poison mushroom used to like in before joining dark enchantress cookie and shows him ond photos of themselves and then tries to see licorice's memories fails once guilt trip and it works *insert big thoughts rushing through licorice's head* goes home even if poison mushroom cookir didn't get a specific memory ruh-roh daek choco knocks at licorice's door to show him a flower boom the end.

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