A library filled with love stories

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A library filled with love stories

Written by : beezlebub_the_lll

*Licorice cookie pov*

*Diary entry 2604*

Besides you I seem as if I'm nothing but a spec, just a small sentient being, nothing more, nothing less. I feel like I'm nothing besides you, not seen besides you, useless in comparison besides you, but I love to lurk in your shadows.

In your darkest corners, darkest thoughts, and darkest moments i shall be there, i will be by your side. No matter how many times the world objects to our love, even if forbidden by our pasts.

You, tainted by the dark left in your heart, the taint that only dark extract could create, the extract only dark enchantress could wield.

Me, left in the shadow of the dark woman who ruined me, the one who built and shattered me, building me for the cycle to be repeated by the vile,dark woman who made me, Black licorice cookie.

Even in your darkest days, rest assured my dark prince, i'll always be by your side


*End of diary 2604*

The dark prince and I were venturing into the dark jelly forest usually inhabited by cake hounds let loose by red velvet, and vile beasts that I just can't stand to fight. Usually this task would only have me accompanied by poison mushroom cookie but today was different.

Dark choco is accompanying me on my mission to clear the area so purple mushroom may rush in and do their thing, usually only planting spores they can't do it alone, and by the odd request of pomegranate cookie, me and dark chocolate cookie are now going on this mission to clear the area.

"Licorice..?" The dark cookie would ask snapping me from my diary. "Oh- Uhh- Yes dark choco cookie?" I'd reply looking his way stuffing my diary away hearing him chuckle before speaking

"Stay vigilant, i can't be doing all the work while you write away in the 'journal' you love so much" his voice teasing yet he gets the point across making me grab my bone scythe

"My apologies, I didn't mean to be so absent minded...." I'd say a frown ripping away the smile I had from my fantasies. " no need to apologize, just get yer' head out of the clouds, i don't want to have to save you."

"I wouldn't need saving. I'm perfectly fine on my own!" I'd say a partly angered look on my face as he could only laugh, speeding up surpassing my pace "Then make it on your own!" He'd yell before rushing off with a devious smile on.

"W- Ughhh... I don't understand the sudden playfulness, we have a mission to complete, no time for hide and seek.... Wait! Dark choco!" I'd say rushing after him yet it's futile. He's so quick that before I could start running after him he was far ahead of me.

"Dark choco!" I'd yell rushing after him even with no sign of the dark prince slicing and tearing apart cake monsters,candy warriors, and enemies to me running around in search of the darkened prince I now long to see, the feeling of loneliness sinking in.

"Dar- Gaah!" I'd shriek falling down as a large,golden,crimson eyed jelly worm would stare down at me, hardened sugar teeth sharpened to slice steel, wings covered with the gooden liquid as it stared at me.

I could only slowly back away holding back the screams yet the sound of my whimpers and sniffles couldn't be stifled, I couldn't hold back the tears knowing this is where i would die,alone,not besides the dark prince,not fighting by dark choco's side, only being eaten by a giant golden jelly work i cant fight off.

I felt the warm licorice flavored jelly droplets fall from my eyes as the golden, crimson eyes jelly worm would lean in slowly, it seems like it's relishing the fear,sorrow, and pain that it's brung me.

The beast would lean it's head back opening it's smiling mouth wide before lunging at me, No hesitation, No remorse, No care.

This is the end of me, Black licorice cookie.


*third person pov*

"EAAHHIIKK...! GRR- GGRAHHK!" The thoughts of licorice making peace with his god and his thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the large golden jelly worm screeching in pain whipping its head from the helpless cookie to the attacker.

"I told you, Didn't i..? And now i have to save your butt" Dark choco would say " I understand why it might've caught you off guard but you didn't even fight back...!" Dark choco said taking a large swing at the beast as it would dodge lunging at dark choco.

Dark choco did not dodge but lunged forward as well, clashing with the golden jelly worm's tough teeth as it's teeth would crack at the force causing the golden jelly worm to back off of the dark prince.

Dark choco didn't seem to want to let it go, a better way to put it is, He didn't want it to live. The motivation for dark choco to do this is unknown, he would never go to such far lengths after the opponent has given in.

This time clearly proved different, for dark choco had a burning gleam in his eyes that yelled at the creature without even needing his voice "I want you dead! And you know why!" The creature would try to burrow it's way back into the earth-bread ground but it was already too late.

Dark choco ran towards it swinging, not caring if it was wild and less precise it only brought more pain to the creature. The creature would be covered in slits,cuts, and gashes from the dark sword that dark choco would wield making the pain unbearable as blood would slip and slither it's way from the poor creature's body until it fainted from blood loss.

And if dark choco's cold ways wasn't enough already he raised his sword and tore the wings, and the horns it had.

Licorice was stunned, seeing the dark prince at work was magical to him,seeing dark choco be so brutal and go all out made his heart race, knowing he was that way to save him made his heart pound

Licorice would be idle trembling, staring at the jelly covered cookie awestruck and amazing as his heat would punch at his chest as dark choco approached him slowly kneeling down to look at him in his yellow eyes. Dark choco's crimson eyes would wonder licorice's body slowly examining it before dark choco would pat licorice's head

" you're welcome licorice..." he'd say in his voice, prideful and cocky as licorice would only sit there idly looking up at the dark prince that took up his view. "Ohh? Are you surprised? You thought I'd just leave a friend?"

"Friend..?" Licorice would question as dark choco would only chuckle

"You said we were friends"

( hello sorry I haven't uploaded for so long but anyway to explain this, licorice has flashbacks yet at the end with the golden jelly worm appearing was basically foreshadowing or more like showing what made dark choco follow licorice around when he's alone. Since the first time licorice almost got hurt dark choco would make sure he wouldn't get hurt)

The Flower field of moon flower (dark choco x licorice)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora