Avocado greenhouse

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Avocado greenhouse

Made by beezlebub_the_lll

(A/N i hc that all cookies take jelly showers because water makes them soggy and kills them but jelly is moist enough to not kill them but clean them. And i also think that they make scented jelly so they can smell good)

*dark choco pov*

It was a new day as I got up rubbing my eyes as I hurried to take a jelly shower before redressing as I walked to the night stand grabbing my vase with the flower and exiting my room. 'I have to go to herb's shop again to continue building the greenhouse... i don't wish for my flower to wilt' i think in my head walking down the corridors of the dark enchantress cookie manor.

The manor corridors are hard to navigate if you're new to the manor; it's divided into seven places.

The pomegranate wing has many enchanting items that can make you faster or temporarily stronger. The poison mushroom wing is to the right and to the left of the licorice one having most of the poison and ingredients and needed mushrooms for potions and food.

The licorice wing is filled with alchemy and magic. Resurrection and death with the smell of that necromancer cookie everywhere you go it almost smells like red licorice but more bitter.

My wing the dark choco wing is furthest from pomegranate's wing closest to licorice's wing and the meeting room and filled with weapons artillery and things needed for long hard battles

To the cookies of darkness suprise im the one who fixes the wounds of the injured pomegranate only helps like a nurse. Ive learned alot from the times when I used
to be good...

Then there's the meeting room used for only meetings, the great dining table longer than a cookie would've needed but it's the great table where dark enchantress cookie herself ate.

And the main room where the exit is and where you'll see the six passageways unlabeled yet color coded so we know who's who.

I sauntered down the corridors before coming to a stop at the main room exit door as I opened it with one hand and exited with no issue. 'Honestly i'm surprised pomegranate hasn't pestered me on my whereabouts i'll take advantage of it while i can'

I start to speed walk my way to the shop putting the plant in my cloak before running watching the trees move past me dodging upcoming trees and brambles. Running shortened my trip arriving earlier than I usually do as I saw two chatting cookies and an unknown third wheel.

I approached slowly before waving, catching the eyes of mint choco and herb as they waved walking towards me smiling as they greeted me. The smiling woman turned to me seeming dumb founded as she walked up to me.

"Oh, is that the guy you were talkin' about? He dont seem too bad! Just seems like he's under the weather!" The plump woman chuckled at her joke before introducing herself

"Heya! I'm avocado cookie, the best blacksmith in the cookie kingdom and the best with metals and fire!" She said pridefully her chin up high as she chuckled with her booming voice

"Im dark choco cookie... the best swords man seen in the cookie's written history" i say as she raises an eyebrow chuckling "so you're the one who cut the fine wood?" She asked, placing her hand on the huge pile of wood I cut yesterday.

"Yes I did.." I nod as she chuckles "come on dark choco don't be so dark!" She joked as she walked over to the structure that was the quarter built greenhouse patting it "it's surprisingly sturdy and if you keep this work it'll be nice and sturdy for the winter!"

I nodded at her as herb cheered with mint. "Well then I'll watch ya build and nail down the structure with peppermint nails!" I nodded as I walked over to the wood, taking out my sword slowly breathing deeply.

The flow of my dark sword destroys and decays...maybe that does not have to be the path of my sword...

I open my eyes, seeing perfectly cut planks as avocado nodded, smiling as bright as the sun "chop chop cookies!" She said as I grabbed some planks and so did mint and we got to work.

By the time midday striked we had a solid base nailed down and extra secure by thick royal icing that smelled sweeter than freshly made raspberry pie. "Great job you two ya got the base nice and secure!" Avocado said as she went into the shop before coming out with loads of sugar class in a cart

"This is the sugar glass we'll be using; it's sturdy,thick, and strong! Let's get working shall we?" She asked, grabbing a piece of glass and popping it into the holes left in the greenhouse that were made for the glass.

Me and mint followed avocado cookie's lead slowly, one by one popping the glass in the holes and before nightfall all of the holes from the roof to the floor were filled with glass.

We got to the inside briefly making shelves and tables with the leftover wood we had and when we were finished it was almost night. The sun's head no longer peeked from the horizon as the moon took over the sky.

"That was good work for some amateurs! Stop by at my shop anytime dark choco I'd love to be the blacksmith to repair such a fine sword!" She said before walking away down another path to her house.

"See ya later!" She chimed as she waved and so did I with the others. "You made a great dark choco!" Herb said as mint choco nodded. "you guys did good as well" I say as they smile waving at me as I walk away onto the path to the dark enchantress manor.

And then the same blue lantern appeared from last night yet the cookie that held it did not call my name. As the lantern got closer the face of the lantern holder got more recognizable.

"Hello licorice cookie" I say as I walk towards him as he lightly waves saying his hello. "hello dark choco cookie I see you're hanging around those cookies again..." he says lowering his head as his yellow eyes stare into the blue flame.

"I don't hang around those other cookies... im simply using them to keep my flower alive for the winter" i say as he raises his head looking at me "i'm guessing you made a greenhouse then?" Licorice says as his signature smirk came back to his face.

"Correct i did.." "why do all of this for some dumb flower yptheres more important-" "I disagree " i cut him off as his head snaps my way dumbfounded before looking the other way going silent

"Is there a problem that I take priority in its survival?" I ask as he shakes his head no silently ...

It stayed quiet for a good minute before he spoke "your hair got longer" "it did? Do I need to cut it?" I asked using my right hand to touch my hair feeling that it's gone from my chin to close to my shoulders.

'It did get longer...'

*flash back*

"Your hair always grows, you know you have to cut it!" One boy said as the others nodded "it'll grow back in a few weeks so what's the point!" Young dark choco yelled as he ran from the rowdy boys who chased him with scissors.

The young boy ran home to his father and whined and the older man only brushed his hair braiding and twisting it to calm down his distressed son "it doesn't matter how you wear your hair son will always love you and see you as my son..."

That night his father tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead good night and the young dark choco fell asleep...

*end of flashback*


Yaay a chapter done in one day man i'm on a roll with a chapter a day and the thing is its all 1000+ words so that's good. Thank you for reading byee!

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