Physical touch is...okay..

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Physical touch is...okay..

Made by beelzebub_the_lll

*dark choco*

I laid in bed feeling this burning feeling in my guts and in my heart. Its not painful which im kind of scared about. Ive never felt this way before, its not pain but its not the feeling of being numb.

I feel so weird, im sick or like ive been internally wounded. I felt this when licorice touched me at the jelly pond. But it was enjoyable, it was easy to withstand when he was there. But now i just feel it but more intense...

I get up slowly, yawning and stretching, i left my bed in my tank top and jogging pants exiting my room slowly. Walking down my corridors slowly looking at the dark oreo and diamond patterns.

Its something i pat attention to alot. For no reason i find patterns quite nice, maybe it came from how i used to draw back in my days, that obviously changed but im okay with that.

I sauntered down the hall until I entered the large main room looking at the multiple hallways slowly.

'I dont know what i'm supposed to do...pomegranate has no orders and poison mushroom didn't hurt anybody... not really anything to do for the day... i should tend to my hair'

I went back to my room regretting even leaving it but at least im going back now. I make my way back into my corridor and back to my room.

I go to my mirror dresser looking at myself before searching in the cabinets of the dressor for a brush.The search was surprisingly long just for the ancient brush that my father gave to me.

Maybe if i change...Just maybe if i try.... He can forgive me...

I held the brush looking at the beautiful carvings as i grab a stoll from the corner of my room and bring it to the mirror dresser. I sat down slowly glancing at the beautiful brush once more before raising it with my right hand my left hand gently lifting my hair before brushing from my scalp to my ends.

The ends of my hair need to be cut. They are dead and thin. If I want to keep my hair I have now I'll have to take care of it. I brush at my hair feeling the brush scratch my scalp , it felt pretty nice.

I start slowly combing and brushing my hair closing my eyes sighing at the pleasant feeling, so pleasant i didn't hear the small poisonous cookie coming up to me and tapping my leg. I lightly jump before opening my eyes opening looking down at them.

"Heeeey dark chooco!" They slowly chipped hugging my leg lightly flinching before patting their head slowly.

"Yooour haair is preety and looong!" They said slurred as usual as they fiddled with the strands they could reach. "Thank you poison mushroom....." i say smiling lightly as the derpily smile back.

"Caaan my hair be like thaat?" They asked jumping up and down waving their hands up and down. I nod slowly as they jumped and rumped around waiting for me to finish brushing my hair.

After brushing and untangling my hair i get off the stool slowly before picking up poison mushroom cookie and placing them on the stool as they waved and flailed their arms in excitement.

"Yaaaaaaay brush!"  Poison mushroom cheered as they sat jumpy as i had no struggle popping it off they'll grow back another soon. I start to run my hands through their hair taking some of the knots out manually before using my brush to brush at their hair.

It was fairly knotty but its not hard to comb through. I chuckle hesring they ask for me to comb more or scratch more. It was quite amusing but at the end they reached up for me as i pick them up only to get hugged.

The Flower field of moon flower (dark choco x licorice)Where stories live. Discover now