two; answers

151 8 2

3 weeks later;

You raised an eyebrow at the unexpected knock on the door. Tomioka never has visitors

You stood from your seat and went to wake Giyuu. "Tomioka-sama, somebody's here." You called through his door. He quickly emerged and went to greet the visitor, "Hide."

Nodding, you retreated into the room, planning to stay out of sight until they had left.

Giyuu welcomed Kagaya with a bow and a puzzled expression. "Oyakata-sama, how can I assist you?" he inquired respectfully. The leader smiled as he replied, "I'd like to meet Y/n."

Giyuu's eyes widened, and Kagaya chuckled at his reaction. "Y/n?" Giyuu questioned, surprised by his request. "I'm sure she's here," he answered, peering into the estate. With a nod, Giyuu ushered Kagaya inside.

Seated, Giyuu couldn't help but feel nervous. "How did you find out about L/n?" he asked, his lip caught between his teeth in apprehension. Kagaya chuckled dismissively. "That's not important, Giyuu," he replied with a shake of his head.

After Kagaya settled in, Giyuu excused himself and came to fetch you. "L/n," he started, cracking the door open. "It's Oyakata-sama. He'd like to meet you." You raised an eyebrow and stood up, asking, "Did you tell him?" Giyuu shrugged in response, leaving the matter unclear.

Your eyes widened when you looked at the leader. You knew what a sick person looked like, and the image was him. You quickly bowed as you realized you were in the presence of somebody very important.

"Hello, Y/n," he greeted, his smile gentle as he acknowledged you. "Good afternoon." His smile was warm despite his frailty. "Do you know who I am?" You nodded respectfully. "Yes, Oyakata-sama."

"Great," he continued, his demeanor calm yet purposeful. "I'd like to ask you a few questions." You nodded again, taking a seat across from him. Giyuu settled beside you, a silent presence offering support.

"Did you have any knowledge of demons before this?" Kagaya's question was straightforward, his eyes focused on you with genuine interest.

"I suppose," you began, a slight tilt to your head as you recalled the past. "My parents were eaten by one about a year ago. So, I knew they existed, but that was all."

Kagaya hummed thoughtfully, absorbing your words. "Can you tell me what happened that day?" he prompted gently.

You did as he said, recapping the entire story.

"I'm very sorry that this happened to you," Kagaya expressed genuine sympathy, his gaze softening. "The man you saw was Kibutsuji Muzan, he's the father of all demons." You absorbed the information, the gravity of your situation sinking in.

"There are some things that come with being a demon," Kagaya continued, his tone becoming more solemn. "Some you may already be aware of. One, demons cannot touch sunlight, it injures them beyond regeneration. Two, wisteria is highly toxic to them. Besides these weaknesses, demons are immortal."

As he listed the weaknesses and abilities of demons, you listened intently, committing each detail to memory.

"Your strength, speed, and stamina will highly increase in the next weeks. It may surprise you, but don't stress. Finally, you cannot speak the name of Muzan. He will kill you immediately."

"How?" you questioned, your voice barely above a whisper, betraying your fear.

"As the leader of demons, he has a connection to each and every one," Kagaya explained, his tone grave. "He can kill or inflict pain upon whichever he wants, and whenever."

You bit your lip, the reality of your new existence settling heavily upon you. You were a demon now, and there was no going back.

"It's a bit odd though," he remarked, his expression thoughtful. "You're a very rare case among demons. Most lose their human memories after being turned. I'll have to look more into that."

"You also don't feel the urge to eat humans, do you?" Kagaya's question was direct, his eyes searching yours for an answer.

You shook your head, "No sir, not anymore." You looked to the side before continuing, "However, I'm very hungry and there doesn't seem to be anything for me to eat here."

Kagaya nodded understandingly. "I'm sorry about that, Y/n. There's actually a demon ally that the corps has. Her name is Lady Tamayo. I'll reach out to her to find some solutions, but it may take a while. I wish I could help you more in that sense."

You offered a grateful smile, appreciating his efforts. "No worries. I understand you must have a lot on your plate as the leader of the corps. I'm thankful for your help."

"Of course, my child," Kagaya replied warmly. "I want you to be comfortable here."

You bowed as Kagaya left the estate, his smile not leaving his face. "Goodbye Y/n. I enjoyed this discussion."

You felt way better after talking to him face to face. The mention of Lady Tamayo left you feeling very curious and eager.

You asked if you could ever meet her and he smiled, speaking only three words.

"Time will tell."

Sorry; Giyuu TomiokaWhere stories live. Discover now