eleven; reflections

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Giyuu's head was pounding.

He woke up sweaty and confused, still on the couch where you left him. He got up and stretched, sighing at the cracking noise that came from his back.

He ran a hand through his hair, soothing the tangles as he went to boil water in the kitchen.

He should have known not to drink last night. He was the biggest lightweight on the face of the earth. He glanced into the living room for a moment, noticing the fact that his glass wasn't even empty.

He sighed and entered the bathroom.

He sat in the bath, eyes closed as he tried to remember the night prior. He remembered you pouring the glasses in the kitchen. He briefly remembered you beginning to draw him. His eyes widened as he recalled the conversation about his beloved sister.

I told her that..?

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, his brows furrowed as he struggled to recall any embarrassing or foolish actions he might have taken.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me, Y/n?"

Giyuu felt his body heat up, realizing it wasn't just the steam from the bath.

"I don't know either. I just.. I get so happy when you're around."

I mean.. he wasn't lying. Everything he said that night was one hundred percent true. He couldn't deny that being in your presence made his heart beat ten times harder. Or that he found himself thinking about your whereabouts during missions. Or that he wanders the market for hours to find a perfect gift for you.

He was in love, and his actions reflected it. He just couldn't admit it to himself, and frankly, he wasn't sure if he wanted you to know.

A groan escaped his lips as he stood up, wrapping a towel around his waist as he exited the room. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat as he saw you leaving your room at the same time.

He froze, watching as you walked straight forward, not sparing him a glance as you trudged past him and into the bathroom.

Once the door shut, he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

He managed to notice the way your eyes were puffy and red. His heart dropped at the thought of him making you cry, silently cursing himself as he walked down the hallway and into his room.

He reminisced about the night before as he dressed, trying to figure out if he missed anything the first time. Then it dawned on him that he confessed his feelings to you, but you didn't say anything in response.

His heart hurt. He drunkenly revealed his deepest desires, and you didn't reciprocate. He placed his head in his hands.

In his mind, he had ruined the beautiful bond you two had formed. You were his only real friend, and he had thrown it all away, focusing on his own selfish desires.

He was certain this was it. The reason you had been crying. He simply couldn't remember the drunken mistake of a kiss that he gave you. He might not have even been conscious for that.

Whatever the reason, he had to talk to you. And soon. He needed to clear up his mistakes from last night.

Once he had collected himself, Giyuu dragged his feet to the kitchen. His eyes met yours, and time seemed to slow down.

Your eyes held so much emotion in them. He stared into them like there were words he was trying to read. You looked down. "Good morning."

It was not a good morning.

"Morning, Y/n-san."

Your eyes widened for a split second before you bit the side of your lip. He remembered that you two had dropped the honorifics last night, but he didn't find it appropriate to continue. He glanced at your hands, noticing that you were drinking the blood provided by Tamayo. He hesitantly walked up and poured himself a cup of tea.

"I, um..." You started, quickly being interrupted by Giyuu.

"No. I should go first," he anxiously rubbed his face. "Please forgive me if I said anything that made you uncomfortable last night. I can only vaguely remember, but please know that it was a mistake. I was very intoxicated, and I'm very ashamed of the things I said."

He watched the way your head tilted, noticing that your hand was trembling.

"What you said last night... did you mean it?"

He hesitantly shook his head.

He hated that he had to hide his feelings.

"I think it's best if we forget last night happened. I would hate for you to be uncomfortable with me, especially since you are staying here."

He wanted you. So bad. But in his mind, it just wasn't meant to be. Half of his brain thought he couldn't be with you. You were a demon. You didn't want to now, but you could eat him at any time if you pleased. His entire occupation was surrounded by killing your kind.

The other half thought that he was to protect you. He couldn't let himself be blinded by love because he would be distracted from his duties. He was a Hashira, and the people he loved had a tendency to be taken from him.

He watched the way your gaze traveled between his eyes. He could feel himself coming undone under your intense scrutiny, but he kept his composure.

Your silence was starting to throw him off. Was this not what you wanted? You didn't love him back. He understood that. So why weren't you accepting his proposal? Had he said anything else of concern that night?

"I uh- Yeah. It's wiped." You tried to joke, swiping your hand across your forehead, mimicking the movement of a wipe. You forced up a smile, it was visibly fake. His own smile mirrored yours, watching as you turned to leave.

His smile dropped as soon as you did so, and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

This was the right thing to do. It had both of your best interests in mind.

So why did it feel so wrong?


Been wanting to do a chap from Giyuus pov for a while.

Next chap is this but Y/n's pov.

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