six; unordinary

107 5 1

6 months of staying with Giyuu;

You stretched as you awoke, your muscles gradually easing into the familiar routine of the day. Yawning, you blinked away the remnants of sleep, adjusting to the dimness of the room.

With bated breath, you strained your ears, hoping to catch any sound that might indicate Giyuu's return. Yet, the silence enveloped you like a heavy blanket, confirming his absence.

For the past two weeks, he had been away, leaving you to navigate the quiet solitude of the estate alone. It was a solitude you had grown accustomed to, even learned to cherish.

You approached the window and drew back the curtain, revealing the comforting glow of the moonlight. The gently symphony of owls and insects greeted you.

Being a nocturnal being was also something that you grew accustomed to.

Lighting a candle, you set it down by your makeshift painting nook, casting a warm glow over your workspace.

Over the months, you had poured your heart into countless paintings, each one a tribute to the memories you held dear. Yet, you kept them hidden from Giyuu, saving them as a surprise.

He often asked to see them, but you were saving it for when the time was right.

You were grateful that he continued to fund your little hobby. He was always willing go buy anything you ran low on.

You missed him.

The realization of your growing dependency on him weighed heavily on your mind. Going a couple of days without him was fine, but weeks?

With a heavy sigh, you gathered your brushes and approached the canvas bearing the image of your mother. Determination fueled your movements as you meticulously worked on capturing her likeness, starting with the less prominent features before moving on to her face. Each stroke was imbued with the fervent desire to preserve her memory, to etch her image into your mind before it faded with time.

As you painted, your mind drifted to thoughts and memories of your beloved mother. And before you knew it, hours had passed.

You set down your brushes and began to clean up your space. Stretching out the kinks in your muscles, you made your way to the kitchen, the familiar routine of the day calming your racing thoughts.

Pouring yourself a glass of blood, you brought it to your lips, the cool liquid soothing your parched throat. Yet, before you could take another sip, the sound of the front door opening echoed through the silent house, causing you to freeze in surprise.

With a quick glance towards the entrance, you almost dropped your glass in shock. "Giyuu-sama?" you called out, your heart pounding with anticipation as you hurried into the living room.

There he stood, the water pillar himself, looking clean and neat despite the rigors of his recent missions. A wave of relief washed over you at the sight of him, a smile threatening to break through your composed facade.

You knew how meticulous he was about cleanliness, often taking the time to tidy up in inns after his missions, provided he wasn't too injured to do so. Seeing him standing there, unharmed and seemingly at ease, filled you with a sense of reassurance unlike anything else.

"Y/n-san." His voice carried a weight you couldn't quite place, prompting you to tilt your head with a quizzical expression. "Yeah?" you responded, curiosity lacing your tone.

For a moment, it seemed as though he was about to say something, his lips parting as if to speak. But just as quickly, he shook his head, dismissing whatever thoughts had crossed his mind. "Forget it," he muttered, his gaze briefly meeting yours before he turned away.

Concern prickled at the edges of your consciousness as you responded. "What is it?" you questioned, your voice soft but insistent, hoping to coax out whatever was troubling him.

He hesitated, his steps faltering for a moment before he continued on without a word. "Giyuu-sama? Is something wrong?" you pressed, your worry deepening as he remained silent, his tired eyes speaking volumes as he glanced back at you before disappearing into his room.

With an exasperated roll of your eyes, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as the sound of his door slamming shut echoed through the hallway. After two whole weeks, that was the greeting you recieved.

You briefly wondered if he was hungry, but you dismissed it, not being in the mood to cook.

You returned to your own room, a sour expression on your face.

He didn't miss me?

The thought alone made your stomach turn, and you weren't sure why. The entire interaction put you in a bad mood.

Turning to your familiar solace, you reached for your paints. With a heavy sigh, you picked up a blank canvas, beginning a new piece. One to convey exactly how you were feeling right now.


As you dipped your brush into the cool blue paint, your mind churned with questions about Giyuu's absence. You wondered what thoughts occupied his mind, and what struggles he faced in those two weeks.

I overthink so much, he's probably just tired.

You hated how much you worried about him. You reminded yourself that Giyuu was capable of taking care of himself. After all, he had done so for many years before you came into his life.

He'll open up when he wants to, he always does.

Sorry; Giyuu TomiokaWhere stories live. Discover now